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Using BtB mod list, have one question


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When I reinstalled Morrowind I wanted to quickly get a challenging game with fairly up-to-date graphics. Rather than sort through what I knew would be a vast number of great mods and work out conflicts myself, I looked for a compatible list that I could use as a shortcut. Now I have what I think will be a good game, that looks good, but it has one really annoying feature and I have no idea which mod it is coming from.


I can't buy, sell, or drop a single item. I suspect this may be a 'solution' to the 'sell a hundred arrows one by one to gain skill' exploit. I personally didn't need to have that exploit killed, since it is pretty easy to avoid. However, not being able to buy something without buying the entire stock is debilitating.


Anybody got a hint where this effect is coming from and what can be done about it?



Oh, hey, shift key...nevermind.

Edited by Passer
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