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Request: A simple(?) script for automatic incremental difficulty


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*I say simple(?) because I've very little experience with scripts.

The idea behind a script like this would be something to expand on this existing mod [link] by automatically increasing the difficulty upon increasing the character's level.

My personal preference would be having the game start off with both the player and the computer dealing 1.5x damage, with player damage decreasing by 0.01x and computer damage increasing by 0.03x every level. A UI capable of customizing this (with options to change the increments, frequency etc.) would be a dream.

The reason behind my personal preference seeming so high in damage (from both computer and player) is because I strongly dislike having a game where the player can't take two hits while having to dish out 10+ hits to finish off a bandit. The idea is to start the game off and increment the damage in such a way that keeps combat fast, challenging and balanced. Of course there's no perfect way to do this, which is why a UI with options to customize the damage increases would be fantastic.

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