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Old goodies outdated?


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So, years ago I started getting into modding Skyrim. I was using mods like SkyRe, Frostfall, some weapon and armor mods, along with a crap load of texture mods and Enb's. My computer couldn't really handle it back then, so I put it all on the back burner until i had a computer that could run Skyrim the way I wanted.

Well its many years later, and i've returned to the nexus to start all over. However I'm unsure if some of those goodies but oldies are considered outdated nowadays, or if there are better mods that have taken their place. I know for instance that Skyre is kinda the predecessor to Perkus Maximus.

Is frostfall still considered one of the better survival immersion mods? Are some of the old combat / enemy AI mod overhauls still going strong, or are there some newer and better ones?

I used to be able to kinda sort things out off of the endorsement count, but i'm not sure if some of the newer mods are considered better and with a lower endorsement count.


I know this post is a bit all over the place, i'm hoping someone understands what i mean and where i'm coming from. I'm a bit overwhelmed coming back into this. Is there a better way to sort the mods to find some of the best ones available?

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For mods in general - I'd say anything that was last updated after 2014 is ok. Some mods are still being updated like USLEP.

Mostly it's what you prefer, but usually the bigger mods - the ones with more endorsements - are most of the time better.


Now for another topic:

Both SkyRe and Perkus Maximus are viable - but go for Ordinator.

SkyRe and Perkus Maximus ain't got s#*! on Ordinator!

Ordinator is superior to them when talking about the perk tree overhaul.

SkyRe also changes other stuff, but no mod overhauls the perk tree as well as Ordinator!

I played with all three of them, and I have to say this: I wish I found out about Ordinator sooner!


For me, Ordinator stands at the top of the mod list - along with SkyUI & USLEP!

I can't see myself playing Skyrim without it anymore.


So welcome back, and have fun!

Most importantly - just find the mods that make you happy and make your Skyrim experience better and more enjoyable.

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Also, i'm using what i think is considered "oldrim". I've noticed that next to it in my steam library there's a "skyrim special edition". Can I just use the original or is it better to use the special edition if i plan on using a bunch of mods?

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Do NOT download Skyrim Special Edition!!!!


It is a completely different game (so to speak)!

Much less mods, much more usage of your computer's resources.


You can reach the same things in Oldrim with a few mods that do a much better job at it.

USLEP & Skyrim HD - 2K Textures make Oldrim almost the same as SSE - even better!


Please do yourself a favor a DON'T download SSE!!!

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Actually SSE is downloaded automatically if you had Skyrim LE in the time frame allowed to get SSE free; you are telling the OP not to install it. You should really let the OP make up his/her own mind about whether they want to play SSE or not.


It is exactly the same game as Skyrim just running on a modified engine which can make full use of a 64bit OS. That being so it is a more stable game than oldrim if you have a 64bit OS. At the moment it has less mods than oldrim, mainly because it is about five or six years newer than oldrim, however it is catching up fast.


SKSE64 is quite stable and SKYUI works well with mods that have been ported from oldrim to SSE. If you have a 64bit OS I would give it a try. You can quite easily play both games and make up your own mind if you prefer one game over the other.


At the moment I am playing both games because there are some oldrim mods that I really enjoy that have not been ported and there are some mods that have been made for SSE that are not on oldrim. It is sort of fun to switch between the two and note the differences. Anyway as I said I would really give both a shot before making up your mind.

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Notice how I said:

It is a completely different game (so to speak)!


All I'm saying is that with the current mods on The Nexus, Oldrim can surpass SSE in every aspect.

And yes - there are A LOT of mods that make the "improvement" that SSE brought with it kinda obsolete.


I'm not saying no one should ever download SSE and that it is heresy to play it instead of Oldrim.

All I'm saying is that for someone who is just getting to know the game, it can be quite confusing.


All with good intentions - that is how I see it and that is my POV.


With all that said, the most important thing is that people are enjoying the game they play.



Edited by DMan1629
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It is a completely different game (so to speak)!

No, it's not. It's the same game, repackaged with fancy effects added that make it more resources hungry (you are right about that), but it's the same game.


Sorry, I didn't phrase it properly - I meant that as my opinion as well.


  • you can use mods that were made for the original edition of Skyrim, on the condition that they don't use some third party software and you repackage them with the new CK,
  • mods made for Skyrim original consisting in simple plugins (with no archive) can be used directly in Skyrim SE. For safety, load it in the new CK, take a look at it to make sure that everything is all right and save it.


Sorry, but these 2 are incorrect. If they were true, all mods would be adapted to SSE.

The truth is most mods can't be transferred to SSE from Oldrim.

And before you say I'm wrong, check most discussions about Oldrim vs. SSE - that is the main point of most of them.

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