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Avoiding navmesh with Workshop pieces ?


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For a mod that I'm working on, I'd like to place npcs in an area they can't normally get to in the game--on top of an existing building, e.g. The rooftops generally don't have any navmesh associated with them and I really don't want to add any for reasons that should be obvious. Is there a way to 'create a floor' for them by sinking some workshop floors into those roofs ? I've tried doing this with mixed success--sometimes when I load in the npc is not where I placed them in the CK. Any ideas ?

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I'll just round this out with some observations I made while looking for a solution. Still haven't found one--settled for a spot that was navmeshed. I discovered that simply adding workshop architecture (including floors) just isn't enough to replace a navmeshed 'floor' as seems to occur when building in-game. Some areas (e.g. the tops of buildings) introduce strange effects; and while trying to ground a chair onto a workshop piece in CK, it was a repeatable crash scenario for the CK. Did not try collision planes to use as floors, but I suspect that will simply introduce odd behavior as well [e.g. npcs placed there in the CK disappearing or showing up at the nearest patch of navmeshed area]. Giving up for now.

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You can try placing them in a trigger and change(Primitive tab on the trigger reference) the collision layer to L_NAVCUT. This makes the AI think there is no navmesh within the trigger box, and if they are inside the trigger, they aren't going anywhere. This will also prevent NPCs from attempting to walk into the trigger if they are standing outside of it. Also I never tried something like that before(placing NPCs inside a trigger meant to cut a navmesh), so I'm not sure if that'll work as expected.

Edited by Rasikko
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