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My scripts not working for others


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I have created a mod that uses a lot of scripts for activators, actors, and effects. I am in beta-testing stage, and none of my beta-testers can use the scripts. I think that my new items are in the game, but none of the scripts are working for them. Now, I expected that there might be some sort of problem because when I tried to create the archive with the CK, it said that the archiving process failed. So, when they first reported the scripts not working, I manually created the .bsa with the Archive tool in the Skyrim folder. But they still are not working for my beta-testers.


Does anyone know why the scripts might not be working and can you think of a way to fix the problem?

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Yes, the .pex scripts are in there as well as the source ones. Apparently my beta testers do not even see the models for the new items, either. I'm going to try using the creation kit to create a new .bsa. It hasn't been working, but maybe I'll get lucky.


If that doesn't work, then maybe I assembled the file structure for the manually-created .bsa incorrectly, but I really don't think that I did.

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Hmmm. I think you might be right about the folder architecture being the thing to look at. If you don't figure it out on your own before reading this, feel free to PM me & let me know where to grab it, I would be happy to help figure out what's wrong.
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I finally figured it out. i didn't name it quite right... Apparently, if one character is different from the .esp name, then it won' work. Yeah, I felt pretty dumb after finding that out... *facepalm*
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