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Scripting Tutorial


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There's no particular scriptng tutorial so much as tutorials for specific aspects of scripting and pieces of scripts. Most of scripting is done by figuring what you want to do, and then connectiong functions and statements together to see if you can make it happen. It's one of those things which you can only really learn from doing, and looking at how other scripts are written.
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a script works like this:


scriptname yourscriptname -------- defines the scriptname and is also the first line


begin (for example: onequip) ------------- defines when a script starts


do somin (for example: player.addspell spellname) ---------- the part where you script does all the cool stuff


end -------- ends that block (every block consists of "begin" blablabla and then "end", you can make more than one block per script)


to find the right "words" or commands go to the link named above and search... or search through other scripts

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