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Serving Prision Time Does not lower any skills/abilities


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Sorry I've searched EVERYWHERE and can't find anything so if this mod is out there I apologise.


I like committing crime but hate it that when i get caught my skills decrease.


Anyway to disable that so my skills, or are they called abilities??, don't go down after I get out of jail.

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AoG could do something like this

(you should configure it as your preferred)

;Jail No Skill Loss. You can prevent random skill loss when player
;go to jail & serve the crime sentence
; 0 - Disable
;-1 - Enable, clean bail out without penalty
;>0 - Enable, BUT inflict # number of Disease to player
;Range : 0 , -1 , 1 ~ 10
set aog.noJailPenalty to 1

;Jail Time Sentence. Immersive crime sentence where you must waiting
;in real-time not by game time hour to get out of jail
;Ex. bounty 500 and set value to 3 then = bounty / 3 = 166 secs wait
;Range : 0 , 1 ~ 1 million (divider) (0 disabled)
set aog.jailWait to 50
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