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[REQ] Worldly Needs: A better Eating and Sleeping Mod


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I've seen some of the cooking/food mods out there, but none of them really does the trick for me, so I came up with my own simple ideas for a system...


Basically this system aims to make food useful, fun and immersive. Sleeping could also need some work.

It encourages you to pay a bit of attention to your worldly needs, but without making you go paranoid.

I want to make it simple at first glance, a bit more complex as you go on, but not forcing you memorize what each food does, damn it.

I also want it to be useful, immersive and interesting to eat and keep on eating. Nothing like a bit of real life to make you feel more "in" the game.

It's not intended to be boring, pointless or game-disrupting as to force you eat and sleep all the time or to give you bonuses and penalties that are too unbalanced, useless or outright ridiculous and illogical.

There is a lot food everywhere in the game, and it's useless, but not anymore. You just have to pick it up and eat it.

Eating will make you stronger and more energetic, so it will allow you to carry more stuff and fight better. Like Napoleon said, an army marches on it's stomach.

If you carry a bit more food with you and keep eating properly, you will become stronger and healthier.

So eating well will also make your adventures more interesting and so will sleeping o;


Alright, so here's how it works, i think it's very intuitive and simple:


Eating will give you an active "Fed" effect bonus for 12 hours.

12h - Fed: +10 carry capacity. +10% health/stamina regeneration.


Neglecting nourishment will gradually make you weaker and less energetic.

After 1 day you get "Hungry" effect: -10 carry capacity. -10% health/stamina regeneration.

After 2 days you get "Fasting" effect: -20 carry capacity. -20% health/stamina regeneration.

After 3 days you get "Starving" effect: -30 carry capacity. -30% health/stamina regeneration.


Sleeping already gives you bonuses, so let's keep it that way...

However, neglecting rest will make tired, it will be harder for you to focus on spells, fight and such.

After 1 day you get "Weary": -10 carry capacity. -10% mana/stamina regeneration.

After 2 days you get "Tired": -20 carry capacity. -20% mana/stamina regeneration.

After 3 days you get "Exhausted": -30 carry capacity. -30% mana/stamina regeneration.


If you eat cooked/processed food, you get a "Warm Belly" bonus. Yummy! More ideas? O:

+10% resist cold.


Also, if you are not a vampire or a werewolf, there's a condition to check if your meals are rich in:

Protein: cheese, meat and fish;

Carbon/Sugar: bread, cake, potatoes, sweets;

Vitamin: mushrooms, vegetables (potatoes) and fruits.


If you pass this check you get a "Well Fed" bonus for having a full, balanced meal :)

+20 carry capacity; +20% health/stamina regeneration.


Over time, if you manage to keep this healthy and varied diet for a week, if you are not stricken by any disease and if you don't forget to rest, you will become stronger, getting a "Healthy" bonus! :D

+30 carry capacity; +30% health/mana/stamina regeneration; +10 health/mana/stamina.


Hunger and weariness only strike after one day. So at least once a day you'll need to feed and rest. Don't neglect your dovahkiin. If you do, the check resets and you'll get punished :c


As for drinking, Skyrim is a cold, damp region. There's water nearly everywhere in all forms, so there's little need for refreshments.

Besides, there's almost no variety of drinking items anyway, only soup and stuff like that...


Oh well, my 2c

Edited by Cutz
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"Healthy" Perk:

+30 carry capacity; +30% health/mana/stamina regeneration; +10 health/mana/stamina; +10% Disease resistance.

Edited by Cutz
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