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Precise Movement of Objects


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You can pick up and move objects in Skyrim. However if you try to place an item in a precise location with a certain orientation (for example setting the 'butterfly in a jar' on a dresser, top up), you might as well be wearing boxing gloves!


My goal at the moment is to place a goblet and fill it with all the gems I've collected. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!


I've also discovered that if you move objects around then Save, the last object you moved will appear where you originally dropped it, NOT where you spent 5 minutes placing it! Grrrrr.


I've read that Morrowind had a much better system than in the later games.


Also, the creation kit allows you to do exactly what I'm talking about.


Has anyone heard of a mod, or has a desire to create one, that will do what I'm talking about?


Come to think of it, boxing gloves would be easier.

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