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About NifSkope: wielding a weapon


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Ok, I've a little problem I'm sure is very simple to solve with NifSkope..but I can't use it very well. Simply I don't know what to do. But let me explain:

I'm modding a sword which is one-handed, so I'm trying to turn it into a two-handed one. Now, it's very simple (at least, that's what I thought before falling in panic xD), just changing the Value "longsword" in "Claymore". Then, what's wrong? I mean..when my character wields it, it wields it a little too 'low' than usual. Here is a pic, to explain clearly. I'm Italian, so I can't speak English as well as you all ^^"



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You'll need to reposition the weapon a bit. Weapons are held at a point roughly near where the x,y,z axis are noted. You can position the weapon within the Ninode (usually node 0). What you'll want to change is the translation, along the y axis. -7 or -8 units should probably do it.
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