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Can't find the recharge effect, anyone know what it is?


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I just spent two hours searching for (and failing to find) the part of game-code that handles recharging enchanted items. If anyone knows where it is, what it's called, or what function to call using papyrus, that would be muchly appreciated!
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  On 4/19/2012 at 6:21 AM, tunaisafish said:

From what I remember the 'recharge' is actually just a replacement item. There is nothing in Papyrus that can read or write the charge values.


I thought about that, but then there has to be a way to change the charge value stored on an item, as otherwise the "soul syphon" skill wouldn't work.

No console commands I can find do the trick either (Can't change the variables through it)

More research is required.

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Soul Syphon is a Perk, and if you take a look you'll find that it is hardcoded.

What I remembered about the replacement item was right. see dunFrostmereCryptSwordHolderManager It 'recharges' the Pale blade.

In Papyrus, the only thing slightly relevant is Trapsoul().


If you want to do more research then take a look at how it was done using Script Dragon. I'm not sure if that is still supported.


You could also look at the SKSE threads, I'm pretty sure it's already on the TODO list.

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Or just add a copy of Soul Syphon to the TorchBash or TargeoftheBlooded perks. The player starts the game with these. Create a copy of the Syphon Soul and give it a different setting or different condition. In my game i increased the soul percent captured by a weapon dramatically, but only if the opponent is not undead/dragon/dwarven, and is not blocking.
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