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[LE] How many Masters?

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11 Masters. This would mean that your mod requires all of vanilla esm Masters as well several other mods to be loaded by you and/or other users who play with your mod. I can't answer your question directly, as I haven't really heard of a set limit but I am curious why would want so many dependencies for your mod to work?

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Weapon someWeapon = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x112233, "SomeESPorESM.esp") as Weapon

if someWeapon == none

  ; Well, they don't have that mod installed, is there something else I can use instead?


You can do things like the above to reduce hard dependencies. It doesn't work for everything, and there is little point in forcing it when dealing with a mod that you really do require...

but if it's not actually required, try to do something like the above...


I think the only true HARD limit is 254 (hard limit of 255 - your mod = 254)

Edited by Evilynn2429
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11 Masters. This would mean that your mod requires all of vanilla esm Masters as well several other mods to be loaded by you and/or other users who play with your mod. I can't answer your question directly, as I haven't really heard of a set limit but I am curious why would want so many dependencies for your mod to work?

Really, it's just for me. I don't plan on putting it out on the nexus. They're Skyrim, Update, the DLCs, 2 big quest mods, Race compatibility, dwarf race, magic duel, and Apachii Divine Elegance. I realized later that I probably could have gone without a few of those, but it's too late since the esp requires them all in order to load now. I'm just hesitant to add any more masters on top of them for fear that the mod might stop working entirely.

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Really, it's just for me. I don't plan on putting it out on the nexus. They're Skyrim, Update, the DLCs, 2 big quest mods, Race compatibility, dwarf race, magic duel, and Apachii Divine Elegance. I realized later that I probably could have gone without a few of those, but it's too late since the esp requires them all in order to load now. I'm just hesitant to add any more masters on top of them for fear that the mod might stop working entirely.




If you want to remove a un-needed master dependancy from your mod, you can do this either with Creation Kit or TESEdit. I'm not going to write out the procedure again, just read the last 2 posts from this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4012185-built-mod-with-usleep-as-masterhow-to-remoove-dependancy/?hl=remove+master&do=findComment&comment=36793035


As for the original question, I can't think of any limit other than the hard limit of 255 active esm/esp files.



P.S. Make backup in case anything goes wrong.

Edited by Ghaunadaur
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