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How can i create a locked container?

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Hi, i downloaded an armor set but i want to make it hard to get, like requiring security 100, but when i create the container theres no option to lock, or script, i just looked at the chest_small_02_lockprac in the census in seyda neen trying to figure, but still no clue...thats it, thanks in advance.

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Double click on the object in the render window, it will bring up it's statistics. Now, on the bottom right side of that window there is a checkbox that is grayed out that says 'Locked', check that box and it should brighten up the options, allowing you to use them. You can set the lock 0-100, if it uses a key, and if it has a trap.


Be sure to hit CANCEL not SAVE when you're done. It will save for that specific item but not for every chest in the game that uses the same ID.

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