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Hello I am trying to finish the new version of my mod Searchlight airport NCR but there is a major issue with one of the terminals I have added.

The terminal Im having problems with does the following when you click "open":

Opens a gate

enables some sounds like a alarm etc

enables some NPCS


Everything goes as plan when the file is an ESP but as soon as its turned into an ESM pressing "open" does nothing! I have been trying to solve the problem for hours now I have tried renaming the items that the terminal enables and creating a brand new terminal but still no luck!


If someone could help me that would be great and I will credit you on the mod page.


Searchlight Airport NCR Or Legion Can be found here:





This post has been edited by jcro25: Yesterday, 11:20 PM

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For posterity:


We found a while back that the game treats refs differently, as far as their persistence, depending on whether the plugin is an esm or an esp.

You are not supposed to reference non-persistent refs in a script, but if you do, it seems the game will do what you told it anyway if the plugin is an esp.

However, if you make it an esm, it will treat them like they are supposed to be treated, and they won't work.

This is the reason you can't "masterize" certain mods, like New Vegas Bounties. Some refs are referenced in script that are not persistent, but really should be. When you masterize, they break.

So if your script is touching non-persistent refs, make them persistent and see if that fixes it.

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