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Fps drops over time when playing


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When I load up the game, for example when im in some dungeon etc.. the game starts at 60fps (which I believe is maximum). But when i continue playing, even in same dungeon and same areas the FPS keeps dropping. After one hour play it can be something like 15 to 30. Is this common problem? Or can someone says whats causing this? Im playing this on Acer Aspire 5755G laptop. Can it be fixed or do I just need to suffer with this...
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What it sounds like is your vram may be loading up, are you running any higher res. textures? I looked up your laptop for the video card, but couldn't find any info on how much vram it has. Or is this a problem that has just started (assuming you've been playing for some time)?
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I havent been playing a lot.. About 25hours from the day it was released, but nowdays bit more longer sessions. Video Card has 540M memory (and it says up to 4095 MB TurboCache) what ever that means?! I have recently added the SkyUI and few another mods which could also have impact to gameplay. I gues I have to give up for high res textures and drop them to medium and try with that.


I also noticed that the computer heats up like hell when playing. Feels like the damn machine is just minute away from melting.

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540M is a CPU with a built in video chip\ card, I still could find nothing on it's vram, so I'm just guessing, but it's low. SkyUI shouldn't bother you for this on gameplay. And the medium setting doesn't change texture size, it just tweeks settings. like how far away they fade out. Idk about your laptop and the heat, but Skyrim will make a lot of heat (not as much as Crysis2).


EDIT: The settings will change the texture size of shadows, I think.

Edited by fms1
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I found the 540m has 1gb vram (I should have realized this when you said 60 fps), are you using high res. texture mods like the "official" HD texture pack, or 2K textures, if so this may cause this. Also if your GPU\ graphics card is overheating it will cause this, you did say it was getting really hot, try to clean the heatsink for the GPU, check the fan\ cooling system.
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