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What is happening and how do i fix it?


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Please provide ALL the information requested in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. Don't forget to identify things that do not appear in the "load order", such as NVSE and it's related plugins, texture replacements (specifically their larger image sizes: 1024x1024, etc.), and "post-processors" like ENB or SweetFX.

Based upon that screenshot I'm guessing you are using ENB. Please see the 'ArchiveInvalidation (by Manager)' and 'Solutions to Post-Processor (ENB/SweetFX et. al.) problems' sections in the wiki "Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide.


If you aren't using ENB, then most likely the problem is "too many plugins active". Please see the 'First Timer Advice' and 'Smaller Plugin Cap' sections of the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article.


Otherwise, your sorted "load order" should give us a clue.


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