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Suggestion: A setup like LinkedIn or Tinder, but for modding


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I know we already have a forum for mod requests, but posting something there is kind of like a crap-shoot where you drop your idea in a bucket and hope that someone with the skill sees it.


instead, it would be really cool if we had a way to "tag" ourselves with certain skillsets (ex: "Concept Art", "Meshes", "Textures", "Quests", etc.). Then someone could search on a specific tag or skillset and find other modders who can do those things. We could mark ourselves available or not available for modding requests, have a little mini-portfolio, basically a profile page similar to a LinkedIn one.


This sort of a system would really help facilitate the process of matching up ideas with someone who can make them a reality, or vice-versa. For those who are just looking for guidance, it would also be cool to have a "mentor" tag for those who are willing to teach others. Think the "Big Brothers & Sisters" program, but for modding.


And, for the record, I would be someone using a system like this from both angles...

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