regwald Posted March 29, 2018 Share Posted March 29, 2018 Ok, at this point, I have no idea what the f*** is going on, but I have a major problem. My skyrim game was functioning fine, hell it was better then fine, it was running masterfully. But yesterday after I exited the game to eat and then loaded back up hours later, my game crashed when I tried to load any of my saves. Thinking my saves were broken, I tried to start a new game, but after I exited the character creation menu, it crashed. Here is my current mod list and the load order, mod list should be read from bottom to top. +Fall Of The Dragonborn SKSE Extras+Fall Of The Dragonborn FNIS Extras+Fall Of The Dragonborn TES5Edit Patch+Fall Of The Dragonborn Bashed Patch+SafetyLoad+Crash Fixes v12 - Beta 4-72725-12+Bug Fixes v1-76747-1+SPERG-Ordinator Combined-70159-5-0+SPERG Weapon Styles-41609-1-10+SPERG - Skyrim Perk Enhancements and Rebalanced Gameplay+Skyrim -Community- Uncapper+Ordinator v816-68425-8-16+WARZONES 2015 - Civil Unrest-9494-2015-2+NCLS - MERGED ESP - REQUIRES BOTH MAIN AND OPTIONAL FILES-73151-8-2+NCLS - Nexus Community Loading Screens PART 2 - REQUIRES PART 1-73151-8-2+NCLS - Nexus Community Loading Screens - Community Project.rar-73151-8-1+Tropical Skyrim - TSOP 2.0-61058-2-0+Tropical Skyrim II - Birds Elevated Flight Route-74308-2d+Tropical Skyrim II-74308-2-1-1+Tropical Skyrim - A Climate Overhaul UPDATE v1_1-33017-1-1+Tropical Skyrim - A Climate Overhaul TEXTURE MISSING FROM MAIN ARCHIVE -33017-1-0+Tropical Skyrim - A Climate Overhaul v1_0-33017-1-0+BigBizkit's Pirates of Skyrim - bugfix for v1.5-62844-v1-51+BigBizkit's Pirates of Skyrim v1.5 (MAIN FILE)-62844-1-5+Zenithar English v101-81196-1-0-1+Zenithar Workshop v101-81196-1-0-1+Solitude Expansion 2.056-57833-2-056+JK's Skyrim all in one.-61035-2+Dark Souls Bonfires-30290-1-3-14159+Belt-Fastened Quivers Support+Archery Gameplay Overhaul+Belt-Fastened Quivers 1.3 Release+Magic Casting Animations Overhaul-58418-1-1+YYAnimReplacerZweihander_v0_6_8_female-16351+YYAnimReplacerMysticKnight_v1_1_0-33914-1-1-0+Wildcat v700-76529-7-00+Ultimate Combat-36006-3-2+TKDodge-20923-3-1+Potions Animated-80927-1-3+Nordic 2h Attack Animations v1.2-77821-1-2+Nock To Tip Hot Fix esp v_802-65317-v-802+Nock to Tip-65317-v-430b+MoFu-Combat Animations+FNIS Creature Pack 6_1-11811-6-1+FNIS Behavior 7_2 XXL 32bit-11811-7-2-XXL-32bit+The Notice Board - Dragonborn Patch-70142-2-1+The Notice Board-70142-2-2+Lock-On Demons Souls Style-86336-+Lock-On-75214-0-3-6+Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn-48375-1-52+SWIFT 3.0.5 - Loose Files-64201-3-0-5+Simple Actions -58296-1-05+PotionReplacer_PatchV0.2+PotionsReplacer+Equipping Overhaul-49784-3-13+Campfire 1.11-64798-1-11+Book Covers Skyrim 3_6 LEGENDARY - Original-35399-3-6+Books Books Books-5398-1-4+More Craftables+Max all Skills - Tomb of Experience-21435-+Crafting Supplies - All In One-37696-2-0+OBIS AltStartLiveAnotherLife-DG-Faction Patch-31264-1-0+OBIS Bandit Patrols-31264-2-0+OBIS 2.02-31264-2-02+OBIS 2.01-31264-2-01+Wyrmstooth+Wheels of Lull 3.0-58672-3-0+Voyage to the Dreamborne Isles 1.1-79826-1-1+VIGILANT Voiced - English Addon-83876-2-0+VIGILANT v122-67103-v1-2-2+The Shadow of Meresis-36843-1-1-2+The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal 2.0 - Alternative Start-64651-1-0+The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal 2.0 - Director's Cut-64651-2-0DC+The Fifth Gate-24351-2-2+Alternate Start - Live Another Life-9557-3-1-5a+Moonlight Tales - Bloodmoon Rising-22611-4-0a+Moonlight Tales Version 2_33-35470-2-33+The Paarthurnax Dilemma-18465-1-2-9+Apotheosis - Lifeless Vaults (Build 2.0.0)-66021-2-0+Hearthfire multiple Adoptions V2_0_15-29249-2-0-15+Skyrim - Undeath 1-3-40607-1-3+Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade-49791-1-7+Quest Into the Depths-23087-1-3+Moonpath to Elsweyr 95beta -9782-9-5+Moon and Star - Undeath Compatibility Patch-52397-1-03+Moon and Star-52397-1-13+Molag Bal's Inferno 1.6 'Consummatum Est' Edition-69811-1-6+Lurking In The Shadows MORTAL CASTLE VERSION-25462-2-0-Final+Konahriks Accoutrements - Dragon Priest Armory HOTFIX-32458-5-5+Konahriks Accoutrements - Dragon Priest Armory 550-32458-5-5-0+Invasion of Skyrim - Difficulty Modifer - Easy-74565-1-61+Invasion of Skyrim - Update 2.67-74565-2-67+Invasion of Skyrim - The Balance of Power 2.0-74565-2-0+Inferno- Ziisizaan-44922-Inferno+Inferno- The Blood Marked-61776-+Inferno- Supreme Alovokun-44922-Inferno+Inferno- Reborn-44922-Inferno+Inferno- Envoys of End-44922-V-1+Inferno- Auszeimrahgol-44922-Inferno+Here There Be Monsters V1_2_1final-37994-1-2-1final+DarkenD v1.2+Conan Hyborian Age 2_81-40914-2-81+Conan Hyborian Age 2_8-40914-2-8+BeyondReachNewNormal-48467-3-9+Agent of Righteous Might-33766-1-1-0+Vjarkell Castle-21918-3-3+Underground Dwelling - Ayleid Version v1.1-63168-1-1+Ayleid Sanctuary-62580-1-0+Daedric Castle v1.1 WITH NPC's-67007-1-1+Skystone Castle v1.8.1 WITH NPC's-54703-1-8-1+Ayleid Palace Remastered+Moonstone Castle v1.4.2 WITH NPC's-56533-1-4-2+Shadowstar Castle v1.2.2-65356-1-2-2+Snow Elf Palace v1.2-76551-1-2+Sjel Blad Castle- v1-44a - English-41612-v1-44a+Rayeks End 05 - Double Bed-16028+Ayleid Citadel 1.3-70200-1-3+Antennaria-36406-1+Aemers Refuge by LeanWolf - the DLC Addon-37450-2-7-9+Aemers Refuge by LeanWolf - MAIN Parallax-37450-2-7-9+Invasion of Skyrim - Skyrim Sewers addon+Skyrim Sewers Undeath Patch v1.0.0-64020-1-0-0+Skyrim Sewers 412 Main File-14351-4-12+SeaPoint Settlement Vanilla Music 3.08-56084-3-08+Invasion of Skyrim - Forgotten Dungeons Addon+Forgotten DungeonsDLC-57979-3-0+Forgotten Dungeons 28-57979-6-0+Jormungandr Dragon-82282-1-0+Convenient Horses - Unique Frost-14950-+Convenient Horses v3_1 Alternative Skin Textures-14950-3-1+Convenient Horses v5_0-14950-5-0+Blaze Of Eventide v1_6-25097-1-6+Behemoth No Behavioral Change-17473-1-1+Behemoth-17473-1-0+Ethereal Elven Overhaul-24273-1-1-1+Heart of The Beast - Alpha Werewolf Sounds-13779-1-5+Fantasy Soundtrack Project+XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended+Unique Uniques-33292-1-8+The Coenaculi for CBBE-35677-Ju+RutahTattooPack_v1d0-49979-1-0+Realistic Force-601-1-9 (1)+NorseTattooPack_v0d5-49853-0-5+Loks Eyes Black Sclera Eyes Glow Only-66630-7+KJ Tattoos 2K-50032-1-1+Ixum's Tattoos-73605-1-9+HDT Physics Extensions+ChrisRichardz Anime Eyes - V3.0-71714-3-0+Calientes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-+Tempest 1.1-76361-1-1+Spectraverse - Increased Spell Power -53780-1-10+Spectraverse v111-53780-1-11+Phenderix Magic Evolved - Version 7 - Update 1-5898-7-01+OverflowingMagic Replacer (by Al99)-53171-1-1c+More Apocalypse v201-65527-2-01+Midas Magic Evolved v17_1-35506-17-1+Lost Grimoire v1.5-60796-1-5-EstrusForSkyrimV120+Elemental Destruction Magic (Dragonborn Version)-69474-1-2+Colorful Magic v1_26 -Darkside Edition--37440-1-26+Apocalypse v920-16225-9-20+Wrath Cape and Cloak Ground fix-24253-2-3a+Wrath Armor and Divine Steed V 2-3a-24253-2-3a+Valkyrie Armor HotFix 2-82282-1-2+Valkyrie Armor-82282-1-0+The Gifts Of Akatosh Shader fix by Madcat221-76154-1-1+The Gifts Of Akatosh-76154-1-0+Tear of Abyss default 1_20-51263-1-20+Staves of Skyrim_v1-8_NoPerks-22691-1-8+Soul Collector-58166-1-2+Sithis Armour - HDT Version v1.5.6-81123-v1-5-6+Shadowmourne-73466-1-1+Resplendent Armor and Greatsword HDT collision hotfix-77315-1+Resplendent Armor and Greatsword 1.3 Hotfix-77315-1-3+Resplendent Armor and Greatsword-77315-1-3+PaladinArtifactsAndArmor_4k_v2.0_FIXED-73007-2-0+Nightingale Prime Remastered HotFix-82282-1-1+Nightingale Prime Remastered-82282-1-0+Legendary Armory-77978-1-1-+Knight Lucard - Armor Set and Greatsword (v1.0.5b) - Gold Edition-84804-1-0-5b+Dwarven Power Armor'-87727-1+DS Wolf Knight by Team TAL+DS Vilhelm by Team TAL+DS Undead Legion by Team TAL & BakaFactory+DS Sunless Set by Team TAL+DS Ringed Knight by Team TAL+DS Outrider Knight by Team TAL & BakaFactory+DS Nameless Knight by Team TAL+DS Lothric Knight by Team TAL+DS Looking Glass Knight by Team TAL+DS Knight by Team TAL (fixed)+DS Herald by Team TAL+DS Firelink by Team TAL & BakaFactory+DS Faraam Armor by Team TAL+DS Fallen Knight by Team TAL+DS Elite Knight by Team TAL+DS Drang Armor by Team TAL+DS Drakeblood Armor by Team TAL+DS Dragonslyaer Ornstein by Team TAL+DS Dragonslayer Armour by Team TAL+DS Dark Wraith by Team TAL+DS Dancer Set by Team TAL+DS Alva Set by Team TAL+DS Assets-22899--9+DragonLord Armor HotFix 2-82282-1-2+DragonLord Armor-82282-1-0+Dragon Carved Armor Set 1.41 - Main File-66130-1-41+Blades Samurai Armour and Kimonos-24704-6-0+Bigger and Badder Lich King-25696-2-0+BDO Complete Pack by Team TAL+Aetherium Armor And Swords Compilation-23530-2-40+Fall Of The Dragon Born Weapon And Armour Sets+Ygrayne - Main File-60066-1-0+Wolfbane-40847-1+Unique Bows Nock To Tip Patch-60219-+UniqueBows1-1-32405-1-1+Thunderfury and The Bulwark of Azzinoth - 2k Textures-67040-1-3+The Loners_Sword_Compatibility_Patch-26230-0-42+The_Loners_Sword-1-1-16751-1-1+The Godswords of Gielinor (Runescape) 2k Textures-68482-1-0+The Black Sword 1.4-34749-1-4+Sword of the Seeker (v1.1) - Main File-59331-1-1+Sulfuras - The Reclaimed Hand (2k Textures)-64628-1-1+Stormcloak Hero Armory 1.3-78072-1-3+Skycutter - Main File-59222-1-1+Shalamayne - The Shadow Reaver 2k Textures-72513-1-0+Royal Armory V2.2-81118-V2-2+Quel'Delar 2k Textures-68707-1-2+Project Flintlock Items Only - Removed World Edits 1_3-26653-1-3+Project Flintlock Ammo Addon 1_3 UPDATED - NOW WITH RIFLE MUZZLEFLASH EFFECT-26653-1-3+Project Flintlock 1_3 MAIN FILE-26653-1-3+Nicoroshi Creations 1_2-15122-1-2+Nameless Light - Main File-59254-1-0+Mace and Shield Of The Insolent V1.0-87747-V1-0+Lost LongSwords 1-HANDED-26261-1-1+Lorkhan Moonlight Greatsword Reborn-82544-v1-4+Lore Weapon Expansion - Relics of the Crusader-44179-1-0+Lore Weapon Expansion - Daedric Crescent-44179-1-0+Lore Weapon Expansion - Blade of Woe-44179-1-0+Lore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand-44179-1-1+Lore Weapon Expansion-44179-1-4a+Lanfael by Vincent Dolan and Standalone09+JaySuS_Swords_Compatibility_Patches-26230-0-02-4+JaySuS Swords V13C to V13D Update-1002-13D+JaySuS Swords V13C-1002-13C+Immersive Weapons Nock To Tip Patch-60219-+Immersive Weapons-27644-1-5+Inferno Adze-41009-1-1+Ibans Staff-39762-1-0+Ice Blade Of The Monarch V1.3.2 Little Update-63623-1-3-2+Ice Blade Of The Monarch V1.3 2k-63623-1-3+Granite Maul-40473-1+Golden Age Arc Sword-3745-1-0+Ghosu - Weapon Pack Scabbard Addon-28545-1-0+Ghosu - Weapon Pack Optional Sedethul Dagger 1_8-28545-1-8+Ghosu - Weapon Pack MAIN FILE 1_8-28545-1-8+Ghosu - Horker Weapon Pack 1_1 - Dawnguard Edition-48557-1-1+Ghosu - Auriels Crossbow and Swords MAIN FILE 1_1-52445-1-1+Finkle's Lava Dredger - 2k Textures-67415-1-0+Faction Crossbows Nock To Tip Patch-60219-v-1124+Faction Crossbows 2K-58704-1-03+Elemental Arrows - ESM version-49983-v2-1+Eimar's Edge v1.1.0.-72696-v1-1-0+Eidolon's Edge - Main File-71936-1-0+Dwarven Rifle Aetherium2 CTD fix-54498-2-2+Dwarven Rifle 2nd Generation-54498-2-2-2+DS Weapon Pack Fix by Team TAL+DS Weapon Pack by Team TAL+Dread Knight Weapon Set-15494-0-99+Doomhammer 2k Textures-72822-1-0+DCR Blade Set Reloaded v1 0c+Dawnguard Arsenal v1_1_7-72910-1-1-7+Crossbow Basic Collection 1_1_2 EN LL-23876-1-1-2+Billyro's Weapons - Fixed ESP-71031-2-0+Billyro's Weapons Version 2.0-71031-2-0+AutomaticCrossbows021-26329-0-2-1+Ashbringer - 2k Textures-65346-1-0+Ancient Staff-42243-1-0+Fall Of The Dragonborn Weapon Sets+WIC Cloaks of Skyrim Patch 2_4-13486-2-4+WIC Cloaks 2_4-13486-2-4-Illustrious HDT Cloaks of Skyrim - CCOR-72581-2-1-Cloaks of Skyrim v1.2 HDT-CCO+Cloaks of Skyrim 1-2 -12092-1-2+Bandolier - Bags and Pouches v1dot2-16438-1-2+The Black Swordsman Armor V1_1-11784-1-1+Silver Dragon Armor Update to V11-18028-1-1+Silver Dragon Armor-18028-1-0+Medusa and Drakul Armors-31229-1-0+Mavari Armor-38386-1-0+Immersive Armors (Cannot Merge)+Gothic Plate Armor Version 1.1-83507-1-1+Gothic Plate Armor Version 1-83507-1-0+Ghosu - Helmets MAIN FILE-43293-2-3+Faraam Knight-52407-1-0+Elemental and Mind Shields-41297-1-1+DS Leonhard Armor by Team TAL+DS Helm by Team TAL+DS Desert Pyromancer by Team TAL+DCR - Shadow Buckler-4330-1-0+DCR - King Crusader Armor-82543-1-5+Contractor Armor-38386-1-0+Berserk Judeau Armor - Heavy Armor ESP-51354-1-2+Berserk Judeau Armor-51354-1-2+Armored Circlets 2k Textures-41603-1-4+Armor of Jean D'arc-84317-2+Fall Of The Dragonborn Armour Sets+KS Hairdos Renewal v1_3 Hotfix-68311-1-3+KS Hairdos Renewal-68311-1-3+ApachiiSkyHair_v_1_6_Full-10168-1-6-Full+Skyrim Immersive Creatures+SkyMomod Items V6-14767-6+Revenge Of the Enemies 2016 2.2-40491-2-2+Monster Wars V6 Update to fix CTDs-18997-6-1+Monster Wars V6-18997-6+Monsters Reborn-51074-1-1-5+Monster Mod V4-35631-4+Havel The Rock - 368479052+Dragon Lords V3 Script Fix-11206-3-0+Dragon Lords V3-11206-3-0+Deathwing (2k Textures)+Deadly Dragons Armory Hotfix-16474-4-4-0+Deadly Dragons Armory-16474-4-4-0+Deadly Dragons v 6.4.1+ChaosDragons_v1_8_HighTexVer-65816-1-8+UIExtensions v1-2-0-57046-1-2-0+NetImmerse Override v-3-4-4-37481-3-4-4+RaceMenu v3-4-5-29624-3-4-5+JContainers+Fuz Ro Doh 60-14884-6-0-Floating Damage ver 1.4.1-87895-1-4-1-Enhanced Camera 1.4+AIM271-64905-2-7-1+3PCO Full-89516-2-0a+SkyUI+Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch+skse 1 07 03*Unmanaged: Dragonborn*Unmanaged: HearthFires*Unmanaged: Dawnguard Skyrim.esmUpdate.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmApachiiHair.esmUnofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esparnima.esmSkyMoMod.esmAemersRefuge.esmNock2Tip.esmSPERG.esmCampfire.esmFalskaar.esmnotice board.espGray Fox Cowl.esmmoonpath.esmAyleidCitadel.espMolagBalsInferno.esmKS Hairdo's.espTropical Skyrim.espJKs Skyrim.espComplete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.espGrand Admiral Thrawn - Skyrim.espWARZONES - Civil Unrest.espRebirth Monster.espMonster Wars.espFall Of The Dragonborn Weapon Sets.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures.espethereal_elven_overhaul.espSolitude Expansion.espUndeath.espElemental Destruction.espSeaPointSettlement.espForgotten Dungeons.espOBIS.espSkyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.espLurking in the shadows.espMoonAndStar_MAS.espsjel blad castle.espHere There Be Monsters.espFall Of The Dragonborn Armour Sets.espHothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espFall Of The Dragon Born Weapon & Armour Sets.espHebrock_Der Schatten von Meresis - EV.espDark Souls Bonfires.espSkyrimSewers.espWayshrinesIFT.espForgotten DungeonsDLC.espCloaks.espAntennaria.espSnowElfPalace.espChaosDragons.espShadowstarCastle.espRebirth Monster - SIC Patch.espMonstersReborn.espMore Craftables.espConvertible Azura's Star.espSkyMoMod Extras Collectables.espRaceMenu.espUIExtensions.espSkyUI.espTakeNotes.espCraftable Artifacts.espHothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.espDr_Bandolier.espDeadlyDragonsArmory.espHearthfireMultiKid.espquest into the depths.espmoonpath_questdata.espNorthernCardinal.espOBISDB.espConvenient Horses.espConvenient Horses - Unique Frost.espMoonstoneCastle.espAyleidPalaceNEW.espColorful_Magic.espDeadlyDragons.espBehemoth Dragon.espkonahrik_accoutrements.espGrand Admiral Thrawn - Forgotten Dungeon Addon.espVigilant.espAgentOfRighteousMight.espVjarkell Castle.espxamnant.espSkystoneCastle.espGrand Admiral Thrawn - Skyrim Sewers.espDreamborne Islands.espAemersRefuge-DG-DB.espPhenderix's Magic Evolved.esppotsanimated.espBlaze Of Eventide.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espXPMSE.espAddItemMenu2.espFNIS.espGrand Admiral Thrawn - Difficulty Modifier - Easy.espbm_SimpleAction.espWildcat - Combat of Skyrim.espDSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.espOBIS DG Faction Patch.espIxumsTattoos.espKJ Tattoos 2K.espLoksEyes.espLostGrimoire.espNCLS merged.espOverflowingEnchant.espRaceMenu - Norse Tattoos.espRayeksEnd.espDaedricCastle.espAyleidSanctuary.espMidas Magic Expanded.espBooksBooksBooks.espForgottenCity.espWheelsOfLull.espBandit Patrols.espThe Fifth Gate.espDarkend.espUndergroundAyleid.espConan_Hyborian_Age.espRutahTattooPack.espTempest.espTheCoenaculiCBBE.espVigilant Voiced.esp1nivWICCloaks.esp1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espApotheosisDemo.espAV1Dragon_Lords.espdarkproject.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.espMagic of the Magna-Ge.espkonahrik_accoutrements_db.espWyrmstooth.espZenitharWorkshop.espSpectraverse - Increased Spell Power.espBrevi_MoonlightTales.espCraftingSupplies_AIO_ALL.espMoonAndStar_Undeath_compat.espEquipping Overhaul.espnotice board - dragonborn patch.espApocalypse - The Spell Package.espEruptdragon.espGray Fox Cowl - Alternative Start.espInfernus.espVoiddragon.espChrisRichardz Anime Eyes.esphavellagrie.espMXMaxAllSkills.espApocalypse - More Apocalypse.espBloodmoonRising.espTropicalSkyrimOptimised.espSPERG.espSPERG-DG.espSPERG-DB.espOrdinator - Perks of Skyrim.espSPERG Weapon Styles.espSPERG-Ordinator-combined.espJormundandr Dragon.espAlternate Start - Live Another Life.esp3PCOFull.espTKDodge.espUltimateCombat.esphmkLockOn.espPotions.espPotions - Requiem17.espBook Covers Skyrim.espFantasy Soundtrack Project.espFantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp My esm's are clean, and the fall of the dragonborn esp's are merges I made to incorporate the insane amount of armor and weapon mods I like to have. Again, all the mods were working great with each other last night, but for some reason after I exited the game, it started crashing over and over again. I don't understand what is causing this especially seeing as how all of them worked fine before this happened, so if anyone has any knowledge on what could be causing this, I would love to know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wfandrews Posted March 29, 2018 Share Posted March 29, 2018 First thing I would try is to run TES5Edit. If you have any workshop mods one of them may have updated. If you have Windows10 that may have updated. Crashing when loading a save is usually caused by a missing .esm or a mod conflict. You can also try validating your master files. Delete your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini in Documents/My Game/Skyrim, then go to Steam and delete "appcache". Shut down your computer for ten minutes or so. Start your computer and validate your game files. Launch your game from the Steam launcher to create the files you have deleted. You are going to have to clean your Update.esm and DLCs again, that is if you did that in the first place. This is usually the first thing I try when my game starts to get a bit squirrely Although , frankly, do not know if it will help with your problem, worth a try tho if nothing else helps.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
regwald Posted March 29, 2018 Author Share Posted March 29, 2018 Right now I am adding my mods back in group by group, and I am starting to think it has something to do with my merges, so I will have to see when I finally get to them. Though now that I think about it, I did download the Havel the Rock mod from the steam workshop and turned it into a mod that could work with Mod Organizer, do you think that could be the problem? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
regwald Posted March 30, 2018 Author Share Posted March 30, 2018 Found the Game Killer, Invasion of Skyrim for some reason does not want to play nice with the other mods, though its not really much of a loss, was considering removing it anyway because even its so called "Easy" plugin was unbalanced as f***. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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