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Fort Amol mod


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I am interested in turning Fort Amol into a cleaned up personal fort for the dragonborn to use as a home, or remote base of some kind, my only worry is that doing this will break certain quests. My idea was to clean up in interior and make a nice bedroom, storage containers, kitchen. outside would have a smelter, forge, tanning rack, archery targets and storage for crafting ingredients. possibly a horse for quick travel around skyrim


any thoughts, ideas, suggestions would be appreciated

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If you are good with scripts and such you can make a few quest stages (Amol is CivilWarFort, right?) so that it recognizes when the player has fought for the fort (Civil War) or has cleaned the fort from any threats (Normal enemies). It should be an easy enought task. You make a script saying that once the fort is cleaned\finished CW all the stuff that you added with the CK must be enabled, you make the player wait outside fort amol for like (let's say) a week and when he comes back he find the new manor\castle ready for use.
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I dont know Jack about Skyrim scripts,,, I was pretty good with FNV scripting but I cant even VIEW the scripts in skyrim, so I feel like a noob in that respect.


I would love to rebuild the crumbling structures of the fort, all the appropriate crafting equipment, storage and maybe,,, a way of making a device that can spawn creatures for combat training.

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well i completed what I set out to do, ,I changed the interiors for the living area and the jail, I added a smelter, forge, tanning rack, armor bench and sharpening stone to the outside. also Archery targets., barricades near the entrance, the damaged sections of walls were replaced.


However im certain this will break any quest relating to fort amol, but im using it anyway.

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well i completed what I set out to do, ,I changed the interiors for the living area and the jail, I added a smelter, forge, tanning rack, armor bench and sharpening stone to the outside. also Archery targets., barricades near the entrance, the damaged sections of walls were replaced.


However im certain this will break any quest relating to fort amol, but im using it anyway.



f*** the police, lol XD

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I guess I could send the file to you , for you to look at,,,




well i completed what I set out to do, ,I changed the interiors for the living area and the jail, I added a smelter, forge, tanning rack, armor bench and sharpening stone to the outside. also Archery targets., barricades near the entrance, the damaged sections of walls were replaced.


However im certain this will break any quest relating to fort amol, but im using it anyway.



f*** the police, lol XD

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I must dissapoint you as I am not good with scripting, Im just a world-designer! XD Anyway, it won't be so hard to make a basic "enable\disable script" and in Morrowind (those I know) were quite simple. Just head over to the requests forums or even here with another topic name and ask for somebody to pass on a proper script and tell him to give you a small tutorial on how to do that with quest stages or stages in general :)
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I understand, But I would like you to just look at it, to get your opinion,, suggestions where to add things,remove things. before I post it for public use


I must dissapoint you as I am not good with scripting, Im just a world-designer! XD Anyway, it won't be so hard to make a basic "enable\disable script" and in Morrowind (those I know) were quite simple. Just head over to the requests forums or even here with another topic name and ask for somebody to pass on a proper script and tell him to give you a small tutorial on how to do that with quest stages or stages in general :)

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