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Magic overhaul? Need Help


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Hi. So i recently started playing skyrim again and the magic system used to be awesome but now while rerunning it feels boring and outdated after having played so many games with awesome magic systems i figured i'd give a try at finding some help with making a revamped system for it.

1.) I have 0 modding experience.

2.) I can do basic modeling, and super basic texturing.

3.) I want this mod to be lorefriendly and not stray lengths away from the original but make it feel more like 2018

4.) I need loads and loads of help.

So my idea was Cleaning up the spell system to simplify it so that you don't have to perma swap spells and so on.

Overall i want a rank system for spells so that everything feels more smooth and feel like you are actually mastering magic not just buying a book that you don't even have to read proper i was thinking if possible there could be a spell tome rework to just include the base spells and then as you rank up you are able to read more of the glyphs but that is more of an immersion bonus.

Perks Should be reworked to give Mastery to Spells in the Given tree MP=Master Perk


Nighteye: i would like to include this to be a decent spell for exterior vision at night.

Calm: *MP* Aura

Fear: *MP* Aura

Frenzy: *MP* Aura

Courage: *MP* Aura

Decoy: Summons a copy of the main character that does 25% 35% 50% damage for duration.

Command: control bestiary


Magelight: Rank 1 (Duration 1 mn) Rank 2 (3 mns) *MP* Rank 3 (5mns +Radius Increase) ** Always follows player

Detect: Rank 1 (Detect Life) Rank 2 (Detect Life greater radius) *MP* Rank 3 (Detect Life + Dead greater radius)

Oakflesh: Rank 1,2,3 *MP* 4,5 I want this to be sort of like "bound armors"

Equilibrium: Rank 1 (Hp 10%- Mp 10%) Rank 2(Hp 10%- Mp 15%) *MP* Rank 3 (Hp 15% - Mp 35%)

Paralysis: Rank 1 (5secs) Rank 2 (10 secks) *MP* Rank 3 (15 Secs aoe around target)

Waterbreathing: Rank 1 (Duration 1 mn) Rank 2 (3 mns) *MP* Rank 3 (5mns)

Lightfeet: Rank 1 ( increase movespeed and jump height) Rank 2 (water walking) *MP* Rank 3 maybe just a hover with increased movespeed if levitate is to much.


Familiar: Rank 1(Fox) Rank 2(Wolf) Rank 3 (Bear) *MP* Rank 4 (Perma)

Undead: Rank 1(Skeletons) Rank 2(Daugrs) Rank 3 (Spirits) *MP* Rank 4 (Perma)

Atronach: Rank 1 (Duration 1 mn) Rank 2 (5 mns) *MP* Rank 3 (Perma)

Daedra: Rank 1(Scamp) Rank 2(Clannfear) Rank 3 (Daedroth) *MP* Rank 4 (Perma)

Dremora: Rank 1 (Duration 1 mn) Rank 2 (5 mns) *MP* Rank 3 (Perma)

Banish: Rank 1(Familiars) Rank 2(Undead) Rank 3 (Daedra) *MP* Rank 4 (Dremor + Atronachs)

Bound Weapons: I want this to have a popup when cast to chose which weapon. Weapons will be permanent while unsheathed and ranks will determine damage scaling. Require soulgems to cast.

Soultrap: im considering have all conjuration spells use soul gems just to give them more of a use also removing the mana cost from them.


Lesser Ward: Will now work sort of like a bound shield as in permanent after cast while unsheathed and will absorb damage using mana

Healing: Basic Healing will now be instant and % based

Healing Cloak: Healing over time cloak *MP* Heals Allies in Radius.

Cloak of Bane: Turn Undead cloak radius up on ranks

Piercing Javelin: For extra damage vs Undead. *MP* Rain of Light

Poison Rune: *MP* Wall of Poison


Will now have categories

Projectile(Bolt) Which will work like a sort of ranged basic attack

Meleeish (Whip) Which will be like the flame whip from dragonknights in ESO but *MP* will chain

Cloaks *MP* like the master spells

Runes *MP* Walls


I would like to introduce a sort of enchanting spell system that would allow you to dual wield a enchantment spell and a weapon. So like it essentially imbues the weapon for a given time if you have a soulgem in inventory.

If you are interested in helping or like the idea please, please, please let me know!!!

I will need any and all help i can get ~Ty, Diva

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