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@ARavingLoony; My mistake. (I had my DA games confused. See above.) The DA Keep doesn't work for DAO/DAA-to-DA2, only for "any previous DA game into DA:I".


Not sure what the "pre-built" backstories have for Nathaniel, (although based on something I know about DA2, I think he was recruited and survived, regardless) but here's a synopsis of the other major plot flags:


If you play DA2 and don't import a save, you have a choice to choose from three different pre-built histories: the Hero, the Martyr, or No Compromise.


For the Hero history, the mages and dalish are recruited and Harromont takes the throne. Conner still lives, and Caridin was supported. Alistair rules alone, the ashes disappear, and the warden commits the ritual with morrigan. Amaranthine is saved and the Architect lives.


As for the Martyr history, once again the mages and dalish are recruited but Bhelen takes the throne. Conner lives, Branka was supported, but the Anvil was destroyed. The ashes are exposed to the public. Alistair and Anora rule together with Loghain living. Amaranthine is saved and the Architect lives. The Martyr dies killing the Archdemon.


Now for No Compromise, the Templar's and werewolves are recruited and Harrowmont takes the throne. Branka is supported and the anvil is saved. The ashes disappear, Anora rules alone, Alistair is banished, and Loghain dies killing the Archdemon (ritual refused). Vigils Keep is saved and the Architect is killed.


Except for always having Alistair and Anora rule jointly and letting Brother Genitivi publish his work, the "Hero" option matches my head canon.

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My understanding has always been that for DA2 imports, any flag not set in the imported save (such as the one that references Nathaniel's fate) will default to the decision in the 'Hero of Ferelden' history, i.e., Nathaniel either dead or not recruited. (With, of course, a different quest appearing instead of for the 'Finding Nathaniel' quest.)


All the decisions/flags that affect DA2 quests are enumerated on the DA wiki -> here.


I regret I cannae recall where that understanding of the import mechanics came from - the old brain just ain't what it used to be - so take it for what it is.

Edited by theskymoves
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@ARavingLoony; My mistake. (I had my DA games confused. See above.) The DA Keep doesn't work for DAO/DAA-to-DA2, only for "any previous DA game into DA:I".


Not sure what the "pre-built" backstories have for Nathaniel, (although based on something I know about DA2, I think he was recruited and survived, regardless) but here's a synopsis of the other major plot flags:


If you play DA2 and don't import a save, you have a choice to choose from three different pre-built histories: the Hero, the Martyr, or No Compromise.


For the Hero history, the mages and dalish are recruited and Harromont takes the throne. Conner still lives, and Caridin was supported. Alistair rules alone, the ashes disappear, and the warden commits the ritual with morrigan. Amaranthine is saved and the Architect lives.


As for the Martyr history, once again the mages and dalish are recruited but Bhelen takes the throne. Conner lives, Branka was supported, but the Anvil was destroyed. The ashes are exposed to the public. Alistair and Anora rule together with Loghain living. Amaranthine is saved and the Architect lives. The Martyr dies killing the Archdemon.


Now for No Compromise, the Templar's and werewolves are recruited and Harrowmont takes the throne. Branka is supported and the anvil is saved. The ashes disappear, Anora rules alone, Alistair is banished, and Loghain dies killing the Archdemon (ritual refused). Vigils Keep is saved and the Architect is killed.


Except for always having Alistair and Anora rule jointly and letting Brother Genitivi publish his work, the "Hero" option matches my head canon.

Anora and Alistair ruling jointly is my headcanon too. Best outcome for Fereldan in general. Alistair is too new to the concept of ruling to rule alone and Anora is too political and conniving to rule alone (she sells u out if u tell Cauthrien ur there 2 save her)

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