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Looking for a Blackfacebug fix


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I've released a mod that equips Apachii Hair Styles to all NPC's in game to give them more realistic hair. However, right now to my knowledge there is not a fix that fixes the "Black face bug" that users are experiencing.. That is unless they do it the manual way, which can take some time and some users may not consider "worth while".


So if anyone knows of a way to fix the "Black Face Bug" in my mod, without users having to manually delete the exported face gen data, please please let me know.

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You can generate the facegen data and upload it with your mod, then the gamers don't have to generate their own.


You generate facegen data sort of like this:

(1) You .esmify the .esp in Wrye Bash and then load it in the CK.

(2) You select all the actors edited by the mod.

(3) You press CTRL + F4 to export facegen data. (It takes awhile.)

(4) You .espify the mod again using Wrye Bash.

Edited by David Brasher
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  • 7 months later...

I just started experiencing something similar after playing my latest playthrough for about 20 hours. My character's face became pitch black. I tried saving and reloading, even showracemenu, but there didn't seem to be any way to fix it.


Here is my mod load order and Papyrus log.


This is very different from the grey face / neck seams issue with custom NPCs I've seen before. My player character's face is pitch black - looks like this:


Pic 1


Pic 2


The only thing I can think of is perhaps I messed up some male textures by installing coverkhajiit through copying the files to my data folder, as there was no .esp and .bsa for this mod. However, I did not experience this issue at all until after playing for about 20 hours with the same mod load order.

Edited by IcyDeadPe0ple
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