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question: Whats a reasonable penalty for running fast?

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Looking for a range that you can adjust across whatever level.


How much damage per second for Health? ie 1 to 10 or 1 to 100 or .01 to 5 ????? or go with percentage of health? .01% to .1%

On the same note, how much is reasonable for Magicka and Fatigue??


Keep in mind, this penalty is PER SETPOINT..... each setpoint can be set up differently as you see fit.

ie I can set it for running +10 faster speed is allowed for Heavy Armor then +50 can be set for Light Armor only and drain just magicka at whatever rate I want.

This is why I need a range on the penalties.


While we're at it, looking at the pic I attached, trying to find a good way to word for a 'nocturnal' function that flows with the idea of

Yes we're going to ignore this filter and NO means we're NOT going to let you use this speed setpoint during the Day.

Not enough room to say "Daytime (Nocturnal)"

"Daytime" by itself seems a bit hmmmmm.... or is it just me?

"noctural" sets it up as reverse logic from the rest of the filters.


Guess I could just set all the other filters the other way around.

Instead of saying "allow" I could use another heading like "Deny"

or something....

looking for suggestions here.

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I'd like to play around with some models but I

haven't played a high level character. (crazy aint it)

how much health, magicka, and fatigue does one have?


after thinking about it more,

think I'm leaning toward a going with the

damage X% over time approach

I just need to figure out what kind of range would be suitable.

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OK.... looks like percentage of health, magicka, or fatigue is going to work just fine.


expecting it to be usable across whatever range

will need to test more though.



it introduced a unique problem with menuque not letting me 'setfloat' to an actual float

it turns it into a short arghhh

had to get creative and turn what I wanted to be .01 into a string and use 'setstring' instead

but..... (pause for dramatic effect)

that creates another issue in that it don't like the value zero

OH well, I'll get it all ironed out



Note to self: think I'll start a thread just to discuss this mod. After reading this thread, I see that

I was aweful vague on what I was working on. Sorry bout that.

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