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Is it possible to edit the GECK editors color theme?


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I've been looking for a way to do this for you, because I know I used to see (just a few months ago) a thread, maybe on here and maybe not, about doing custom music, specifically in New Vegas I'm almost sure (as it is very different to FO3 but the FO3 system's remains are still visible in the editor), and the screenshots of the modder's GECK were all red on black, with an odd font I think. Or maybe it was black on red. Not important, really. I have been trying to find that thread again to see what could I glean from it. If it was back in 2010 or so, it's possible it was an older version of Windows, which is what GECK generally looks like, but maybe changing the Windows theme worked at that time. It's even possible it may have some effect now. If you're really serious about this, tht's the route I'd pursue. Otherwise, I'd just darken my monitor, personally.

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