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What Have I just Found?


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So, what happened was one of my companions died, but a while later I wanted him to help me again. I didnt know the console command "resurrect" yet (Im new to console commands). After finding the console command to bring him back to life, I couldent find his corpse. So I found another command to find his body. But when I warped to his body, I found the weirdest thing EVER! I was in some sort of interior, it was shaped like this + and the walls and ceiling were stone brick. The lighting was purple, and walking around in there was Nazeem, Brill, and a naked Malborn. In the middle of the area was a stack of naked bodys of all the innocent people I have killed, including my companions. I used TFC and found that the skybox was black. What the f*** is this place? Edited by Noagrac
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never found a place like this, what command you have used? i will check this place, just in curiosity


if you want to exit from that place bring up the consolle ant type: coc whiterun

I used the command: Player.moveto X. X being the dead NPC's reference ID.

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hi, you folks might find this search resource interesting, List of Skyrim Cells - Teleport Locations in Skyrim:


Skyrim locations w/COC console codes, including 'Developer Cells' (original versions of some areas later revised).


fyi, using COC (Center On Cell) teleports only you (not followers) to a specific pre-programmed point in a cell; which, is not the same as using fast travel.

anyway please remember, to teleport out of these non-gameworld areas back to normal Skyrim space use 'COC WHITERUN' or RIVERWOOD/other..

some other developer locations of some note:

coc qasmoke ; Editor Smoke Test Cell.

coc Aaamarkers ; ancient dragon flying, no collision floor.


@Noagrac, location you discovered is: coc WIDeadBodyCleanupCell ; WI Dead Body Cleanup Cell.



coc WIDeadBodyCleanupCell - This particular cell holds all the bodies of town or quest related NPC's that have died at one point.

If at any point a NPC that used to appear in a village or town is suddenly missing, there is a good chance that a dragon, bandit or other hostile may have

killed them while you were in their vicinity without your notice.

While in the cleanup cell, you can select the dead NPC, resurrect them and move them to a desired position through the console as normal to have them resume their normal lives again.

Do take notice that NPC's who were supposed to have died in a quest may still be mentioned in conversations as being dead.

NOTE: when you desire to leave the cell again, simple use the coc command to go to a different area, such as coc riverwood.

Edited by xlcr
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In regards to why some NPC's are walking around, I think the game also uses this cell to "store" poar widdle wost followers and NPC's, so on the frequent occasions when Lydia disappears (gone shopping for more bread rolls maybe?) She will sometimes end up there, until you stop moving long enough for the game to 'teleport' her back to you or her 'home' cell ... I understand It also seems to be the cause of the "corpses at the wedding" bug, as nothing spoils a nuptial celebration like a dead relative showing up ... And of course it's great for adding that extra bit of bloat to your save files
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