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Less gory version of Deadly Reflex


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Does anyone know if their are plans for a less gory version of DR? (or if there already is one whats it called?)


Or, are their or could their be, add-ons / in game options to change the gore level?


I'd love to play DR but I've heard save games become very dependent upon it so I have held off installing.

Also my wife loves playing TES also but she isn't into all the gore, that DR brings to the table.

She is really interested in the mounted combat and different combat moves that DR brings to the table though.



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I've seen alot of screen shots and videos for DR and it shows alot of decapitations, exploding body parts with blood spraying everywhere, etc... Thats what I'm referring to.
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I've seen alot of screen shots and videos for DR and it shows alot of decapitations, exploding body parts with blood spraying everywhere, etc... Thats what I'm referring to.



I believe you can set the decapitation setting to 0 in the initial setup. I'm not positive but I think you can activate the mounted combat esp and not the combat reflex esp so that you can still have mounted combat and mounted spell casting without the "gore".

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