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Final Fantasy XIV Armour


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Does anybody reckon they'd be able to model this armor from the trailer of Final Fantasy XIV ? i could give a go at texturing it since i have done texture work in the past.

Would be a real nice piece and would also kinda fit in with Skyrim LORE.


Also we could make suttle variations, Also create a whole new quest where there are members of a guild that wear this armor, do missions for the guild to earn the armour. Depending on how many people wanna get involved on this. Create something new and exciting for the game.


Let me know, Jervis :)









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Not if its made a little bit different, even the slighest tweak, it wouldnt matter.

Also have you seen all the Witcher Armour and there is already armour based on Final Fantasy XI


It would be a completely new model so it would be impossible for them to sue.

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