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I'm surprised that I haven't seen this anywhere yet... I'd LOVE to have portals in the game. I'm guessing it wouldn't be terribly hard to do for someone who knows any of the modeling programs, but that's not something I've gotten into yet, so what do I know? I was thinking it would involve changing the base art/meshes/textures for one of the activator doors that you would use to load an interior cell. It could range from a stone arch with a portal within or a freestanding portal to something that looks like a tear in the environment/sky; could be a simple texture or fancy with light emitting from the portal. there are a very wide array of possibilities and I think it would be great for those who would like to create portions of their own world that can be linked to the main game... or for a quick way to get to commonly accessed places without looking around on the map or using console commands. For example, you could drop one in Breezehome and the Thieve's Guild if you spend a lot of time going between those locations.


Anyway, I didn't see anything like that on the Nexus or in the CK, so I thought I'd ask. Hopefully, someone can do this?

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There are mods like this around, but I don't think any let you place your own portals. I believe there's a Hearthstone mod that lets you teleport back to wherever you drop the stone.




Hopefully someone makes something more like what you described.

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