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Bow Zooming bug?


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Can't seem to zoom in with my bow anymore.


It was working awhile back, but then I stopped playing my character that uses a bow for a little bit, and when I came back to him, I can now not zoom in at all. I still have the perk too. I even tried to use the Console Command to remove the perk, then add it again. Still nothing.


I did find, however, that if I switched the keybind (I switched my "Block" button with my "Sprint" button), it works fine. But I'm worried as to why this stopped working to begin with.


The button itself works fine too. If I'm not trying to zoom in, I can still do a bash with my bow. And when I switch the Block and Sprint around, I was able to Sprint with it too.


Anyone else have this issue? Know or any fix at all?

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