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weapons and armor improvments

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I have made a full set of standalone armor and weapons all the weapons have the same three enchantments each piece of the armor and the matching shield have their own three enchantments.


These are not new meshes just new textures and some adjustments to their stats and are working fine in game, except I cannot improve them at any of the smiting stations, they don’t even show up when I open a smiting station, in testing I went in to consol and set my smiting to 100 and gave myself all the perks and the arcane enchanting perk to improve enchanted armors and weapons.

What am I missing any ideas

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Extract from here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/524677-stand-alone-weapons-using-skyedit/


Now we can create a smithing recipe for your new weapon.So click on 'recipes' in the hand box and the right hand box should pop up with all the recipes for the stuff in game.

Again, for this i just created a copy of the Steelsword so just search for SteelSword and you'll find 2 recipes for it. One named recipeweaponsteelsword and one called temperweaponsteelsword. These are both for creating at a smithy and upgradeding on the wheel.

We'll start with recipeweaponsteelsword. Right click and select create copy.

A dialog box should pop up asking for another editor id so put in recipeweaponyourname and the box should turn green and click okay.

Search for your new id, right click it and select edit.

This box will let you change the componants of the recipe and is adjustable to your liking but with this tutorial i'll just leave it how it is with one exception.

In the box named result item click the little > and another box should pop up.

Type in yourname in the dialog box and it should turn green and click okay.

Now back to the recipes and look for temperweaponsteelsword. Right click this and create copy. In the new dialog box type in temperweaponyourname and the box should turn green. Hit okay.

Find the temperweaponyourname and right click edit. Another box should pop up and again these variables can be changed but we'll just stick to result item. Click the little > and search for yourname id and click okay.


Im guessing u miss the temper recipe.

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Thanks for your quick responses, and you guessed right didn’t even know about it. Funny that this will be the second tutorial that I have useed for skyedit in the CK. I’m guessing this is the same format for armor as well.

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Indeed is the same process, skyedit was(and is) and amazing tool. I did my two ports using skyedit was a pain with the first but later was more easy xD


BTW im looking for some one to help me with some textures, for this "Machete".... if u know some one :x



Edited by aruless
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Just so you know i have it all working.


In the CK it' not under Recipe, it's under Items/Consturctible Object and RecipeWeaponxxxxxxxxx to craft a set of armor and Temperweaponxxxxxxx to improve a weapon same way with armor, look at the key word and make sure it is set to the crafting right crafting station

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