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Orlesian Grey Warden Script/Mod


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I wanted to change an imported warden to an Orlesian warden in Dragon Age Awakening. (Game thinks of your Hero of Ferelden as dead, while you still keep your choices from DA:O)

I found several plot flags in a file called "plt_gen00pt_backgrounds.plo", which contained:

GEN_ORIGIN_CONSCRIPTED (If Duncan was forced to conscript you to join the wardens)


GEN_BACK_FERELDEN_NATIVE (Dwarfs and Dalish elfs don't use this flag)



And also a file called "plt_gxa000pt_backgrounds.plo", (Dragon Age Origins\Addins\dao_prc_ep_1\module\data\designerplots.erf) which contained the important:




So basically I want all the Origin backgrounds flags to be set to 0, while also enabling the Awakening one (set to 1).


Can anyone help me create a script for this? Like a "Runscript Orlesian" type of script?


Edit: I know there is a console command that you can use to recreate your imported warden in the character creator, which sets some of the Origins backgrounds to 0, but not all. Also it resets your level and removes all the items in your inventory. I would like an alternative to this.

Edited by RedLetterChess
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I'm not sure what it is you're trying to accomplish here.


If your goal is to import some items from Origins, it may be easier to write a script to add whatever you want to your inventory. If you just want your Orlesian Warden to be a higher level, there is also a console command to increase your XP.


Another alternative is to save your Awakening game ASAP, and then edit the save.

Edited by Pasquale1223
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My goal is stated in the OP, I want to turn the Origin background flags off when I start Awakening (Some of these get turned on when you choose one of the games' origins.) It's how the game know if you are a Dwarf noble or a Human Mage for example.


If you turn all of these off, and then enable the Orlesian one (which is only set for a new warden commander in Awakening, not an imported one) then Awakening should treat your warden as an Orlesian, not as the Hero of Ferelden. This is how the game should have behaved if you did the Ultimate Sacrifice...


The extra bonus with all this (instead of just creating a new warden in the expansion) is that you keep all the other relevant plot flags intact: So with this method you can meet Anora (and maybe Loghain hopefully) in the expansion and be an Orlesian, something you could not do normally.


In theory this should also import correctly into DA2 (The game will still know what Origin you were in the original campaign)


I mean, this should be pretty easy if you know how to script and use the toolset (which I don't).


Edit: And no, It doesn't seem to be anyway to edit your save file for the gist of this to happen.

Edited by RedLetterChess
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So I found a script to change the flag!


Law and Order Fixes:



The script is in the "getsetplotflag" file!


*Edit=Checked the DA2 plot flags with a modified save game imported, if you change your gender/race in Awakening the game will think that the Hero of Ferelden was that gender/race. So don't change your gender or race in Awakening with this script or any other mod. (unless you change them back before importing into DA2)


You can still change all the background flags mentioned above (I think). Also, there is a flag for making the drake scale armor in DAO, that makes Master Wade mention it in Awakening. (Haven't looked for the plot file containing that, but I think it's just one small line anyway).


There is also some other plot flags that need to change (Alistair talking to the Orlesian commander as if they were in love/was queen, also true for warden who marries Anora) They will also need to switched back to their original value before DA2 import.


So if you want to play with this character in DA2, I recommend you change back all the plot flags as they original were before importing into DA2.

Edited by RedLetterChess
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All I can say is... Well Done!


I don't happen to need to take advantage of this hak, but for those who would like to explore the Orlesian Warden option in DAA whilst keeping their DAO decisions... this is great news. :thumbsup:

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