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Fallout 3 Crash on Exit


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Alright, FO3 is crashing every time i exit, and it's frustrating as hell... The game was perfectly fine with the stock .ini... I reverted it back to stock, and it still doesn't seem to help... Also, im experiencing this annoying stutter-freezing... It will seemingly freeze, for a good 5 seconds, then continue afterwards. It will do this several times, then the games will resume running normally.


Also...I Thought if you delete the .ini file, it will revert back to normal. I figured this is the case with Fallout, just as it is with Oblivion. Apparently not, because i tried that. It's still exactly the same, not stock numerical values.


I tried setting the launch Icon to Compatibility Mode for XP... Hopefully that still applies despite the fact that i actually Launch using FoMM, not the shortcut.


I'll report back, and see how the game works...



Oh, and yes, i tried the whole iNumHWThreads, and bUseThreadedAI lines...Didn't do anything...



You'd think they made the GameBryo engine better this time around...Oblivion is less problematic than this! My GOD! This is frustrating beyond belief!


Lastly, is there a way to uninstall/reinstall patches? According to Windows...The Patch "might not have installed correctly" ....FFS.... Problem , after problem, after problem...Im about to stab someone in the face with a soldering iron, seriously...


UPDATE: Just had to edit some .ini files that were thread variables. No more Crash on Exit. However...The game DID freeze...That's the only FREAKIN problem remaining! WHY Does Fallout 3 freeze? Oblivion never froze like this, unless i did something to MAKE it freeze... FFS! Im SICK of this...This is less stable than it is on consoles...Which is just completely backwards/wrong...

Edited by Prenihility
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Prenihility - Hello!


"I Thought if you delete the .ini file, it will revert back to normal."


It does, as long as you have not made the same changes to your Fallout_default.ini that is in your Fallout 3 folder.


For the correct .ini to make changes to see below.


"Lastly, is there a way to uninstall/reinstall patches?"


I've never used the Fallout patches as I have GOTY. Sometimes if you click on the patch download, as if to install again they, give you options to Repair or Uninstall.


"According to Windows...The Patch "might not have installed correctly""


I get that on thigs I know have installed properly, I think it's Windows being over cautious.


If in doubt, you can check to see if you're Fallout 3 is up to date by launching it & in the main menu selecting - Settings - Display & the version number will be at the bottom of the screen on the left.


Your's should say 1.7 something. is the latest on the GOTY.


Make sure to get the patch that matches your games place of origin as there are different language versions.


"WHY Does Fallout 3 freeze?"


Fallout 3 has trouble with multi core computers, mainly with ones that have more than two cores & use hyperthreading.


There is a fix, you mentioned it in relation to that other trouble you had.


You need to edit your Fallout 3 .ini file.


The one you want to change is:


For XP:


My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\


For Vista & Win7:


Documents\My Games\Fallout3


The file you want will be called:




Open the .ini with Notepad & change this line:








& insert this line under it:




Save & close your ini.


Hope this helps!



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Yeah, i think i've solved the freezing problem...By just editing those Thread values. Problem still lies with freezing during combat... It's more like stuttering, really. Except the pauses between them are long up to 5 seconds, or longer.


It's a piss-off, for sure... I just don't know what to do, here....UGH!


EDIT: Yeah...EErrr...I have the GotY edition, too...I installed the patch, thinking it's universal for all versions... It does , however, still say


Do you think my installation of the patch EFFED things up?

Edited by Prenihility
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