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How do I customise armour mods?


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Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but I got this from the nexus https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14578?tab=description and in the description it says

- Many zaps. You can remove the tights, sleeves, armour, scarf, hood, capes and part of the skirt.

But I have no idea how to do any of these, can someone help? (Yes, I've installed the mod correctly, and it works in-game and I have it on my follower but I want to customise how it looks, and apparently you can).

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Just crafted it at the forge and I had no options to customise it.

I should have the option to customise it with console commands, anyway.

I feel like you're supposed to choose how it looks once you install it using nexus mod manager (I might be wrong about that, though) but after I installed it, it didn't give me a pop up to choose it.

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what I meant is , you are supposed to have different crafting recipes for the different options

so each option should have it's own crafting recipe

there is no way to customize items in Skyrim , it was added with FO4

so it's usually either by making a different item for each option , or replacing items (like the shield painting system I've seen in mods , but I can't recall which mod introduced this)

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