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Khajiit transform into different type of animals


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Hi, i was thinking sense the khajitt was half cat anyway, would it be awesome if you could transform in the game and play as a actual animal. could be called "True Form" it doesn't have to have any attacks or anything special but running speed increased to that of a horse. the animals that they transform into could have a little glow around them, lions-gold glow, wolfs-black demonic type glow -tigers light-blueish type glow. nonthing to over-do the texture of the animal but just enuff to be visible. oh and something gurly for the foxes like star's or glitter or something.


now i want to stay inside the relm of possible and impossible. so dont be afraid to let me know if it could or could not be done. i know that there's been talk of being able to transform into werewolfs, or vampires?(please dont spoil it) or something like that. i was thinking maybe the transforming process can come from that or something. it'll fit right in with the khajiit's having ears and tails and ect.


Note~ i belive it requires a animation program along with the createing a 3d model.

Edited by jerry5150
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