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Help with activator message boxes.


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I must be some kinda retarded, because i can't figure this out for the life of me. Probably because this is my first attempt at scripting.

All i want to do is have a message display when i click an activator. To elaborate, i found it disappointing that nobody ever tells you what the Five Tenets of the Dark Brotherhood actually are. I want to make the little unreadable plaque they have up into an activator that, when activated, just displays a text box of the tenets; like when you activate a doomstone and it displays a message box of its effects.

I already have the actual activator object and a message object, i just need a simple script to make them work together.

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Add this script to your activator.


Scriptname MyTenetDisplayer extends ObjectReference

Message Property MyMessage Auto ; be sure to set this property (in the CK) to the message you created

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

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Add this script to your activator.


Scriptname MyTenetDisplayer extends ObjectReference

Message Property MyMessage Auto ; be sure to set this property (in the CK) to the message you created

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)


How do i just type that in because it says i have to put in a type of script

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