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Kelloggs Metal Armpiece


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Hey I've been trying like hell to remove Kelloggs vambrace from his armpiece.

I took to Blender but I can't figure out how to export and I've given up at this point.

The mod is originally from Crimsomriders Accessories mod but he/she has been off for so long I couldn't ask the author for help. I don't intend to redistribute it, just for personal use.http://oi66.tinypic.com/2i8d36g.jpgI figure it's a pretty easy request, I just can't export the dang thing. Thanks!

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This is all going to sound WAY more complicated than it is.


If you're trying to edit out a specific part of the mesh, go into edit mode and select the vertices you're looking to remove, then press X and Delete Vertices. Make sure to duplicate the object in Object mode, first, to have a backup.


For export, first save your Blend file, then delete the backup object if you've made one, so that the only objects in your file are those you wish to be included in your export. Then go to File, Export to OBJ, and export it to OBJ.


Then go to NMM, open up Bodyslide, open up Outfit Studio, Import from OBJ, and select the OBJ you created with Export.



Once that's done, under Shape, select Scale, then set it to 0.1000. Blender makes object 10x larger than they are, so this is vital.


Then Load Reference, find Kellogg's armor, and load up the shape you're using. Right-click on each shape you've imported from Blender and select Copy Bone Weights. This will give you a search radius and number of vertices to target. You should be good to click OK here because you're not really changing the shape of anything. This should copy the bone weights. Again, do this for each shape you've created in the right side of Outfit Studio.


Once that's done, Export to NIF.

Load up the NIF you used as your reference from Kellogg (Kellogg's armor NIF). It's time to set your texture, assuming you're using the same one.

Load up your NIF in NifSkope. On the left, expand your BSSubIndexTriShape and find the BSLightingShaderProperty.

Do this in the Kellogg NIF, too. Note the directory it is pointing at, which should give you the BGSM file you want to use.

In your NIF, click on the BSLightingShaderProperty. In the NifSkope window below you should now have an entry that says Name. Right-click on this and select Edit String Index.

A new window will pop up. Enter the directory for the BGSM you see in Kellogg's armor. (Materials/KelloggsArmor/CrappyMetal.BGSM)

Click OK.


Go to the top where it says Spells - Optimize - Remove Bogus Nodes. Click OK when it pops up.

Go to the top where it says Spells - Optimize - Remove Unused Strings. Click OK when it pops up.

Go to the top where it says Spells - Sanitize - Reorder Blocks.

Go to the top where is says Spells - Sanitize - Reorder Link Arrays.

Go to the top where it says Spells - Batch - Update All Tangent Spaces.



Go to File and UNCHECK Auto Sanitize before Save (I don't know this does anything bad, but I don't mess with what I don't understand)

You can now save the file you have created to the directory you want to use for your mod.


Have fun. :smile:

Edited by Flowerguy360
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I am working on a mod that will introduce the synth arm using Kellogg's arm piece as part of a body replacer, and had planned on introducing it with a "Full" and "Lite" version, but decided it would probably be simpler just to remove the shoulder and strap to offer it as under-armor and just stick with the Lite version as the body replacer. Totally unrelated to your post, but it made me think of it, any way.


Thus... irony.


Still, I hope my reply helped. :)

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