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Skyrim cashes when ever i TRY to enter bee and barb


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I see. Going to try out some skeleton mods I've looked up:




Not... entirely sure what I'm doing, but gonna read everything before I accidentally screw something up.


ETA: and if this works out, you have my deepest thanks in advance because I likely won't remember to come back here. too busy slaying vampires :D

Edited by Sh3p
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Wow, ok, not sure on the double post rules of this forum, but I just wanted to say, this totally fixed the issue. Not only that, that skeleton mod led me to other mods that make sheathed weapons look a lot cooler. Thanks so much for the assistance.
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I have LIAT but no BBP, Bee and Barb was working fine until I installed Interesting NPCs, but now Bee and Barb CTDs post-install, which suggests it's the Interesting NPCs mod but I really want to keep it (especially considering it takes a substantial amount of time to install/uninstall), what do I do?

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  • 4 years later...

How is it possible?
It worked!!!!

Проблема: Ошибка загрузки игры при входе в таверну Пчела и Жало в Рифтене, вылет, отказ загрузки, зависание.
Решение: Установить мод
https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26800 (XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS)
и все необходимое для него.
Без понятия, как, но сработало!

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