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Help, My NPC isn't Eating!

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I have created an 'Eat' package at the top of my NPC's package stack. When it runs (on schedule) the NPC moves to the nearest piece of furniture and uses it for an hour. Sounds good, right? Unfortunately, the closest furniture is not always a place to sit! So instead of munching on some bread, she (for example) picks up and drops wood at a woodpile for an hour straight.


How do I make sure she only goes to chairs/tables/benches to eat?


Package Info:


Do those settings look right? Are my expectations about AI behavior wrong?


PS- Sorry to cross-post, I'm not sure which forum this belongs in, and I'm really looking for help on this!

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings :) The "eat" package is... not entirely what it seems. For example I have seen NPC engaging in all kinds of random other but slightly relevant behavior during this particular ai pack (i.e. drinking, etc.)


What you can do if you really want to limit it to eating only... well Ok, TWO things:


#1: On that window there is a little tabby-tab called "idles" if you click on that, you can limit this package to SPECIFIC idle behavior including eating.




#2: On same window, on "Package" tab... where it says "location" you can change it to be a "specific" reference. Meaning you can set it to a particular chair, bench, what have you.


Hope this was of some help :thumbsup:

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