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oof, help making a preset from a follower?


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I've been trying to make a follower into a preset, mind you, the follower is not mine [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82884?tab=description] and I'd like to use it for the soul purpose of my game. I won't be sharing it anywhere, and just want to use it on my own. I've seen someone ask for a preset but there was no reply, and I'm scared to flood them. I've tried using Skyrim CK, Racemenu, and some other things but they haven't worked.

Is anyone able to help me in anyway?


And/or [sorry for asking I hate too but] make the preset for me? I've honestly nearly given up.

Thank you and sorry in advance!


Side Note: I've tried making my own character, but I'm never satisfied with how they turn out and I love Kiki's followers so much! She released a preset for some other characters but not the one I would like to use.


Again, super sorry in advance to the Mod Author [for trying to use their follower as a preset] and anyone who's caught up in my confused mess. <:)

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