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How to Apply References?


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I hunted through the Kit as much as I could, but I could not find this. I have a feeling the answer is not intuitive.


If you search (in the kit) for "platformhelperfree01", you'll see one with a use count of 100+.

If you right click it for Use Info, then click to organize the Cell Editor ID column, you'll see BostonAirportExt04.



If you doubleclick that to bring you to the cell, you'll see the PlatformHelperFree01 item in the EditorID list for the cell.

If you then right click that for Use Info, you'll see this...



Now, that Helper (an invisible activator) is placed into the Liberty Prime Gantry (the scaffolding around him in the Airport) to define the travel path of the elevator on either side of the Gantry.

I'm working on a mod that puts LP in a settlement, within his maintenance gantry, and I want those elevators working! :smile:

There are 5 pieces that make the elevator work: the PlatformHelper (activator), the button box (activator), the button box stand (static ref), the elevator platform (static ref) and the SimpleElevatorMaster (an invisible activator). I'm pretty sure I've duplicated everything properly, but I cannot figure out where Todd populated those References in the immediately above screenie.

The Master links to the Helper, but the Helper doesn't link to anything itself.



Now, the Master links to three components. I thought that maybe the Helper would pick up those references through the link chain and display them in its Use Info, but it does not.

My ingame placed Helper only reflects the Master, and only because the Master is linked to it.



Without all these references assigned to the Helper, the group of activators and statics will not move when I press the button because they have no defined travel path (as none of these things are actual real elevators). The Helper fixes that. Pretty cool actually! Gives one ideas...

Anyway, wherever these link references are defined, I cannot find it :smile:




Thanks :happy:

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