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Skyrim VR: Bow holding hand different from main hand setting


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The setting for right or left handed gameplay changes everything and there is no more customization than that, unfortunately I'm right handed for everything other than archery. I have a very hard time aiming right handed. Ini files don't have setting for bows on their own. I would try to do this myself, but i'm busy with lots of other stuff right now. I might still try though, so if anyone has pointers as to how I should go about it or if they could do it for me, I would appreciate it.

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Im having the same problem. Im going to use this reddit post ( https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimvr/comments/89tn72/guide_control_map_editing/ ) to try do reverse engineering, if yo can call it like that xD, and go to the game turn on Left handed mode and change the mapping of my vive controller around. If it work I will update here the result. Sorry for my bad english.


Edit* First attemp didnt work trackpad on the vive cant be remap to the other controller

Edited by Ryan176
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The setting for right or left handed gameplay changes everything and there is no more customization than that, unfortunately I'm right handed for everything other than archery. I have a very hard time aiming right handed. Ini files don't have setting for bows on their own. I would try to do this myself, but i'm busy with lots of other stuff right now. I might still try though, so if anyone has pointers as to how I should go about it or if they could do it for me, I would appreciate it.


I've checked out the files in main.bsa, what did you attempt to modify exactly?


Edit: Tried modifying controlmapvr.txt by reversing the controls so as to not have the bow in the hand with which you use the touchpad to move but that gave me a CTD, now even without the modified file, the game crashes on launch


Edit 2: Same for the trackpad but i have been successful at switching all the other controls over to the other controller. Move and specific direction events don't seem to work on the trackpad. Will try Teleport/activate, i know activate works but haven't tested teleport yet, only gliding.


Edit 3: So for teleportation, if teleport/activate is assigned to the opposite controller, the teleportation is still based off of the original, so when your are in lefthanded more, the movement is meant to be on the right controller, the secondary one. If you set the teleportation to be on the left one, the primary one, when you press on the left trackpad, the beam still comes out of the right controller.


Edit 4: It seems i was wrong, the activate side also cannot be changed, it seems to be locked to primary controller, the teleport thing where if you set it to primary it still produces the beam out of the secondary is still true though.

Edited by VIPkiller17
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