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hello just a little help


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Many newer mods will not work unless you have the latest patch. Also many of the better mods require a newer version of OBSE also. I recommend that you upgrade to the latest patch, install the latest OBSE (0015) and OBMM if you don't have it.


OBMM will help you with mod conflicts - It will not fix them, but it will help identify them and allow you to change the load order.


I believe the Illumination Within is fairly graphic intensive and has caused slow downs on some systems, but as I do not use it, I do not know for sure. Try it and see, If it causes problems, just disable it.

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Thanks for reply, bben!


I downloaded new obse 015 and obmm. One thing though confuses me still. The thing about upgrading to latest patch?

1.2 patch or I have seen some "unofficial patch? I had an impression 1.2 patch is for shivering isles addon or something like that?



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There is an Oblivion 1.2 patch as well as a SI 1.2 patch. Be sure you use the right language version of the oblivion patch - there are 2 English versions, UK & US and they are different.


There is also an unofficial patch that fixes some things that Bethesda missed.

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Ok, after going through several forums, some reading and such I found out about 1.2.416 patch, unofficial patch for 416 and how to apply it and so on. I found out some other mods like midas for magic(right?) and some addon for it for ooo, but several thoughts with it like no go, guess I have to try. Some other mods caught my eye. Don't know. To tell you the truth didn't use such things before(obmm and obse), I am wondering how will that look when I start to combine at home(I am at college). ;)

But from what I ve seen, mod makers all provided really detailed readmes so I should be able to dig my way through it, right?


The only thing I am worried is ooo is a mod itself as an addon for oblivion so it's hard to tell what mod is acceptable for it. Some as I seen don't state it clearly.

Nevermind, after all, as I said that deadly reflect looks to me like something I never saw before in a game. ;) So, if I enable only that succesfully my job is done.

Thanks for replying.

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Me again one week "ahead". Anyways I found many new mods, mostly used the agiel's oblivion plugins( http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pb7...msEA&gid=0) (as I don't have si, I didn't load mods for it, but for 1.2416) as a reference for load order and what mods, and followed "intuition" on how to install meshes and textures, what overides what and how. I used obmm with no problems. Then I found out about conflicting or rather overlaping "items or nodes", whether npc, item, cell, whatever.

I used tes4view to find out specifics in conflicts and learned that some conflicts "devour" the original mod ideas, whether it is npc faction or items for npc or placing of things.

Agiel mentioned, in fact stated he made compability patch for several minor conflicts he couldn't resolve anywhere.

Now, there I encountered problems. Not problems with the game but conscience problems :blink:

A specific conflict or one of is the use of modem city life mod with ooo. Shure, it is minor thing, but still a conflict, right? Similar is with obli cats with oo, persuasion overhaul with mmm, and so on.. Minor but still itchy, right?

Now, npc Lazare Milvan in modem's city life gets children and gets into milvan faction, while in ooo gets a oo key chest(yes I have used cs), but looses faction, gets "ownedW by ooo. When city life I load before ooo lazare is ooo's, not like in city life. The aim for me is to make lazare a combination npc from two mods, or to make a compability patch(also with amusei). When I would get a hang of this kind of conflict, I feel I could resolve some minor things like cells placing of items and such.

The main question is how to do it?

If I use tes4gecko and make two esps(gecko clipboard) with conflicting data, then merge them and load them after the two, tes4view cannot read it and cs states factions are repeating.Should I just correct the formid? Is it the order of data(nodes between them) and connections between them important thing(if I move npc data from one esp to new, will it loaded revert whole npc data to vanilla or some other data)? Ok, shure it is, but are some stats for lazare connected to everything or I can hack bit by bit.

My use of cs is for now limited, but is that the best way to make compability patch with that tool and/or is there any tutorial how to make compability patches for conflicting mods?


Any help would be great, thanks!


P.S. Yes, could ask the modder who made modems city life, but then I would have to find him, then bother some other guy and so on. So I am asking this way. As it is stated in some wiki tutorials this is the "easy" way :ninja: , again, any help would be great!




edit: I found oblivion mod makers manual, is that the key to everything?


edit 2: found devnull.devakm deisolation tutorial.. ;) That would mean..


edit 3: I managed to find all the tutorials on the them... So it would be helpful if some opinions would you share with me?

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Hey, me again!


Now, from the looks of things, I should probably open up a new thread but since I love to :wallbash: I will continue with this one.


I am now "way ahead" top 100 mods and obmm issues. But thanks, piratemuffin. :thumbsup:


I just need some opinions, advices, whatever you have on merging mods I will list below.


I got myself locational damage(with adrenaline combat), companion share recruit, thieves arsenal, sneak overhaul, deadly reflex, bow sway. I have the esps in this order http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pb7...msEA&gid=0), most of them like agiel without si mods, cause I don't have si..


Esp:I have locational damage before dedaly reflex(which is in end), with sneak overhaul somewhere there, bow sway also, CSR also.

Esm: after ooo and mmmoo(locational and toaster), before deadly reflex esm.

Will they work together because I saw not much big conflicts..


Oblivion cats have a faction issue with ooo, is that kind of conflicts serious issues or can be ignored "without fear" or should I try to fix it in cs(an idea would be fine)?


Greetings issue: I think all of the mods, new ones have fixed addtopic issue, that means greetings conflict issue in tes4view are not worth looking or caring, right?



:thanks: FOR REPLYING, IN ADVANCE! :biggrin:


I just pray to God someone reads this after the first post




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