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Lighting/Shadow bugs if too close.


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Hey, I don't know why but if there is any kind of skin close to the point of view its getting some weird effect/glitch.

Even my hand holding the torch has some shiny "stripes" on it. I don't think its the body replacer as I used CBBE and UNP both have the same kind of shiny stripes.


Far = OK


Close = Messed up


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You have lots of weird stuff going on. Obviously though, fShadowBiasScale is out of whack, it's default is 0.15 (IIRC) but set it between 0.7 and 1.0.


Usually 1.0 is safe. Don't ask me what it actually does or I'll have to bust out the algebra and Newtonian Calculus.

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Woopsie didn't see the weird stuff in the background xD I apologize

I tried the value you've mentioned in your post unfortunately it didn't really change much.


But I noticed people in towns don't have this glitch, when i spawn a male imperial soldier in that cave he also doesn't have that glitch only those 2 female merchants... it might have been a mod after all ? :S


I removed all mods except the mod which spawns that girl... and the girl body (face not anymore) still has a little of those shiny stripes... i guess it is that mod :\





I just noticed the Spartacus follower mod has the same "stripes" even in a screenshot http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/12056-2-1330845780.jpg

Edited by shadoom23
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I've seen similar shadow effects from problems with CCC 12.2 and 12.3


I'm using AMD VISION Engine Control Center 12.3

edit: just installed 12.1, same issues looky here:





Edited by shadoom23
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The issues from CCC 12.3 and maybe 12.2 are caused by the Catalyst application profiles, you have to uninstall those (12.2 and 12.3) also, through control panel\ programs to have any effect... (really annoying)
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The issues from CCC 12.3 and maybe 12.2 are caused by the Catalyst application profiles, you have to uninstall those (12.2 and 12.3) also, through control panel\ programs to have any effect... (really annoying)


thats what i did, i deinstalled everything from there

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