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My new mod isn't working


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Having finally gotten my hands on the creation kit (don't ask), the first mod I've tried to create for myself is to change the stupid "Your health/stamina/magicka is low" messages so they don't interrupt game play with a box that needs to be dismissed. It won't work and I have no idea why.


Specifically, I removed the checkmark from "Message Box" for HelpBarsHealthLow, HelpBarsStaminaLow, and HelpBarsMagickaLow. I saved it, activated the plugin with Nexus Mod Manager, started a new game and ran myself out of stamina at the first opportunity. I still got the message box anyway.




larger image: http://www.mobypicture.com/user/JMRooker/view/12583640/sizes/full




As far as I can tell, those entries are where that message box comes from. What am I doing wrong here?

Edited by Rooker75
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A question for you instead:

Do these messages always pop up? They should only pop up 1 time (the first time). Additionally, can't you disable them in game options? Something about tutorials? (cant really remember if it is possible though). nope, cant disable in options

Edited by Dragten
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Some of these messages are hardcoded and nobody has found a way to remove them yet. Arthmoor who made the alt start mod Live Another Life encountered this same issue and found a lot of the tutorial messages that he could not remove.
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Some of these messages are hardcoded and nobody has found a way to remove them yet. Arthmoor who made the alt start mod Live Another Life encountered this same issue and found a lot of the tutorial messages that he could not remove.


uh... okay... Idiotic message box interrupts all gameplay to tell you the blatantly obvious and it can't be removed with the editor they gave us to remove things like this? Thanks Bethesda. Somebody there has a real fetish for message boxes. I had to mod a bunch of them out of Fallout 3 and New Vegas too.


Well, at least I didn't do anything wrong. I was wondering if my copy of the CK was broken or something. I've wanted to remove these particular message boxes ever since the "your health is low" box kept causing me to lose a horribly difficult fight with a dragon priest in one game. After that, I just make sure to damage those stats myself any time I start a new game so I can get rid of them in a controlled manner.



Just once each, but the health warning always shows up at the worst possible moment: when you're trying your hardest not to die and don't need stupid message boxes getting in the way.

Edited by Rooker75
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