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Script activated 5/10 sec after grenade explosion


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Hey guys with the mods i installed on my fallout 4 it's closer to FPS than RPG (damage wise) but the world kinda lacks cover sometimes so i made a WallGrenade mod that makes a little barricade appear, it's working perfect, exept i dont know how to remove the item once it spawned, and i dont know how to limit the number of covers that can be spawned. (also i'd like to add some kind of "inaccessable navmesh" to it, if it exists, so that NPCs dont try to walk through it, although that's a lower priority right now) so if any of you have any help on this it's more than welcome, thanks for your time :)


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If you make a copy of DefaultActivator to use as the placed object that is spawned, it can be configured as Obstacle that appears to cut the navmesh for pathing and you can apply any NIF to an activator so it looks like whatever barrier you want.


Attach a simple script to the activator that waits 10 seconds after loading then disables and delete itself.

Event OnLoad()

Creating a limiting count gets more complex

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Well at least if they can disappear the limiting wont be so much of a problem, people can abuse this if they want to ^^, anyway thanks a lot, i'm going to test this out, i'll keep you updated on if this works out.


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