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Unable to find nearby references, script not compiling, what am I missing?

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Hi all,


So the general gist of it is that I'm trying to create a script attached to a spell so that if an actor dies while under the effect of the magic effect an explosion is triggered and spreads the magic effect to all actors near the one that just exploded.


I've tried doing it with just triggering an area spell when the actor dies, but target actor spells apparently can't have an area or at least I haven't been able to get it to work for me so far. With that said, I decided I would just use a script to get all actor references near the one that just died and then apply the spell to them. The problem is that after searching around I stumbled on the objRef.FindAllNearbyReferencesWithKeyword(kwd, radius) function, but my CK won't compile it as it returns the error that it doesn't exist/isn't a function.


So, I'm here for some help on this one since I've been trying for quite a while now to get this working without success. If you can point me to the correct function to do what I'm looking for or maybe give me an idea on how to do it without the script I'd appreciate it.


What it needs:

- destruction spell that triggers an explosion when the affected actor dies

- all other actors within the explosion radius have the spell/effect applied to them as well

- both the main spell and the secondary triggers/explosions need to use the player's destruction stats


What I've tried:

- using onDying event to trigger a second spell (target actor, area, with an explosion) but that doesn't affect anyone but the actor that's already dead

- using onDying event to trigger a second spell (aimed, invis proj, with an explosion) which works, but it's really clunky because any debris in the way or corners, ect block the effect. This is the one that has worked the best so far, but like I said it's really clunky and feels kinda bad, especially if you have multiple enemies attacking you and one of them gets in the way.

- using placeAtMe to get the explosion and a script to apply the effect but I can't get the actor references near the one that just died. This is where I'm at now.


I've done a few other things relating to the above and messed with various projectile/explosion settings to try and get what I wanted, but it either didn't use the player's stats (thus being a horribly scaled spell) or it just didn't work at all.


With all that out of the way, here's the full script for reference:

scriptname z3_spreadFireDmg extends ActiveMagicEffect

ObjectReference[] targetArray
Actor target;
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Spell Property mySpell Auto
Explosion Property spreadBoom Auto
FormList Property actorType Auto

event onEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	target = akTarget;

event onDying(Actor akKiller)
	int aIndex = actorType.GetSize()
	while aIndex
		aIndex -= 1
		targetArray = target.FindAllReferencesWithKeyword(actorType.GetAt(aIndex) , 384)
	int tIndex = targetArray.Length
	while tIndex
		tIndex -= 1
		mySpell.Cast(PlayerRef, targetArray[tIndex])

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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FindAllReferencesWithKeyword is a Fallout 4 function. Looks like you were looking at the wrong wiki. The existing Find functions for Skyrim work poorly for actors because it'll return the passed in actor when its arCenter. You could use SKSE's GetNumRefs to grab all actors that has a specific keyword, but it's a rather slow function if you're fine with that.

Edited by Rasikko
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Hmm, noticed that. Welp, that's unfortunate. After some thinking and tinkering I managed to get it working and with a much much simpler script.


For those curious, how I handled it was:


creating 3 seperate spells & magic effects

- Initial spell (target actor, fire&forget, fire damage over time)

- primer spell (self, area, fire&forget, 0 magnitude and w/e area & duration you want, in this case 18ft/20sec)

- secondary damage spell (self, area, fire&forget, fire damage over time, huge area & area ignore LoS, conditional on target being affected by primer magic effect)


and then attached the following script to the initial spell and primer spell:

scriptname z3_spreadFireDmg extends ActiveMagicEffect

Actor target
Actor player
Spell Property primerSpell Auto
Spell Property dotSpell Auto
Explosion Property spreadBoom Auto

event onEffectStart(actor akTarget, actor akCaster)
	target = akTarget
	player = game.getPlayer()

event onDying(actor akKiller)

and voila, now I get to enjoy aggro'ing a whole bunch of enemies and then watch as they all explode one by one.

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