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Mounted Travel To Cell scr


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I'm trying to get a script to work where the player can teleport into an interior cell while mounted on a horse.


I have a feeling that the non-ability to travel mounted on a horse into towns is completely hard-coded into the engine, but I'm trying to figure out a work around for it.


What I have thus far is:


ObjectReference Property TeleportMarker auto

Event onTriggerEnter(ObjectReference objRef)

	if(objRef == game.getplayer())



This should get the xmarkerheading ref that's within the cell (my mod) through the properties and move the player to it when entering the trigger box.


What happens with the above script is the player is still mounted on the horse, and there is a pause as it loads the cell, then all you see is the void with the player character in a sitting position without the horse....just floating there as if the engine won't render the cell environment.


I've also tried:




And what happens with that is the player instantly lands at the origination point and dismounts the horse.


The 1st script above works if walking, but a load door would be better to use if that's all I needed.


Anyone have any ideas how to get this to allow riding a horse into the cell?



Edited by Fragginborn
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