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VR Mod suggestions


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I recently bought Skyrim VR and I really love it, but it is still heavily based on controller controls.


1.It is a pain to scroll through menus to switch weapons or to change spells.

In other games it is very innovative. Especially in Robo recall (for example when you just have to move your left/right hand to the hip and grab to pull a weapon out, or when you move your hand to the back you could grab your bow).


2. Another very useful tool could be a clickable interface on your hand (such as the pip boy in fallout 4 but more Skyrim themed).


3. I dont know why it is done this way, but in the most VR games you can easily control/scroll through the menu by pointing on a clickable entry. Would be nice to see proper menu controls, not just controller ported controls.


4. As in the Mod Quickloot, it would be cool if we are able to point with the outstretched index finger (which is a mechanic in Oculus Touch, dont know if the vive has similar control ) to a body/container to see it´s content and easily loot it without opening the default menu.


5. I recently played "The Mages Tale" and it has a mechanic where you are able to hold your controller like a bottle in real life to your face/mouth and the the player uses/drinks a potoin ingame. I really would love to a similar mechanic in Skyrim because it just breaks my immersion when I am in the world of Tamriel in VR and still have to scroll through menus.


But it´s an early state, I believe someone is currently working on such mechanics :wink:

Keep it up and cheers!


Greetings Markus.

Edited by EtNiEs93
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