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NPCS face keeps changing?


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Hey everyone, so i have a bit of an issue, i have a few mods that alter the apperance of female npcs as well as children, everytime i quit the game and reload, the faces are normal until i fast travel, the some sort of preset pasts over everyones face that isnt a vanilla face, these are the mods i have installed as well as an before and after pic



-Khinara Racemenu preset

-High resolution brows

-High resolution female face makeup for skse

-RANs Type-c Headmesh

-KS Hairdos renewal

-the eyes of beauty

-SG Textures Renewal CBBE

-Bijin wives


Heres my discord with the before and after pics on them under "skyrim mod trouble" channel - https://discord.gg/nuuJm6


I disabled high res female makeup, and the headmesh mod and have been trying to trouble shoot with no luck as to whats causing the problem of changing my followers, children, and npcs faces lmao any help would be appreciated thanks^^

Edited by Soulkashi
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