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Better Retextures Need More Information of Detailed Guide For NifSkop

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I am requesting to whoever want to help me get more information on how to retexture and choosing a mesh with GIMP and NifSkope, I'm having a bit of a problem on understanding how to make my own items, armor etc. The Tutorials are a bit confusing for me to understand. I need more information, like step by step, if anyone is willingly to help me, that I will be happy to make my own. I know the tutorials would help, but what I said before they are confusing for me, for others no. I also looked at some videos from youtube, they were also confusing. Others might say," it's not that hard to make textures." Well I know, but the information that's in the tutorials are "confusing" for me to understand. I need get the "picture" the point. PM me if you are willingly to help me out, on how to retexure on GIMP and putting it on NifSkope, even onto the game itself.


Thanks for you're time


TheDarkListener34 aka Jeffrey Peterson

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